Ch 4 Section 3

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Later on, Angel lit some candles before she started examining the rockfall.

"Lose something?"

Angel rolled her eyes, "What is it with all you demons having smart mouths, hm? There some kind of class you take back home?"

Casey smirked, "It's a gift." She watched as Angel ignored her and tried to look through the debris for her book, "Guess you should have paid more attention in Latin class."

"Yeah? Well, trust me, i won't be making that mistake again." She turned back around and finally noticed Casey's smug grin, "Wipe the smirk off your face. You're not going anywhere."

"And, apparently, neither are you."

"Maybe for a little bit, but you know what?" Angel walked over to examine what looked to be a closed off window, "I got some people coming for me, and, uh... I know at least one of them did pay attention in Latin class."

"Oh, right." She nodded, "Sam and Dean. Everyone says Deans the brawn and Sam's the brains of the outfit, but where does that leave Angie?"

Angel frowned and turned towards her, "Everyone?"

"Sure. You Winchesters are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know..."

"I'm charmed by that, really." Angel turned her attention back to the window, "I'll be sure to let my brothers know when they get here. I'm sure Dean will get a kick out of it."

"If they show up first." This time Angel turned around fully to study her, "What, you thought I was flying solo? You shouldn't underestimate, Angel, it might be the death of you. You can give me those hard eyes all you want, but the fact remains, we just have to wait and see who shows up first- The cavalry..." She grinned, "Or the Indians."

Back in Trotters bar...

As Dean sat at the bar tensely waiting for Angel or Sam, a woman trailed her shiny nails along the table as she made her way over to him.

"I got to tell you..." Her husky voice instantly earned his attention, "Every woman in this place? They want to eat you up."

"Well, hey." Dean smirked, "Anybody could have tackled that guy... and wrestled the gun away preventing mass murder."

"Here's what I'm gonna do." Dean smiled in anticipation, "Normally, I charge $400 a night." She leaned down to whisper in Dean's ear, "Why don't we call it an even deuce and get the hell out of here?"

Dean leaned away from her incredulously, "What do I look like?"

"What do I look like?" She scoffed before walking away, "Cheapskate." As she walked towards the entrance of the bar she saw Sam, who looked extremely worried, and intercepted his way to the bar, "You look kind of tense." Sam frowned and looked around to see if she was talking to him, "You know, I know a surefire way to relax."

"Maybe later." He quickly brushed her off and headed straight for Dean, "Hey, Dean- I can't find her anywhere."

"Yeah, neither can i." He shook his head, "She doesn't have her GPS on either so we cant track her."

"Excuse me." Sam flagged down the male bartender as he walked by, "Hi."

"What can I get for you?"

"Um, you remember the woman we were with last night? We sat right here. Uh-"

"Yeah..." The barman nodded, "The cute blonde right?"

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now