Ch 13 Section 4

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In the Impala...

Asa was asleep beside Angel in the backseat as Sam shifted from the front to look back at his sister. Angel was lost in thought as she stared at her Asas seemingly peaceful looking face.

"Hey, Ang?"

She moved her eyes from Asa to her little brother, "Yeah, Sammy?"

"You know if this doesn't uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know-"

"No." Dean immediately interjected as he pushed Sam back to a forward sitting position, "No, no, no, no."

Sam eyed him crazily, "No, what?"

"No, you're not gonna bust out the misty goodbye speech, okay? We already said we werent going to do that."

"Plus if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward." Angel leaned forward with a grin, "You know what I do want?"

The boys eyed her curiously as she leaned forward and pushed a certain cassette tape into the player. Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi started up and she grinned as she pushed Asa awake

"You woke me up for Bon Jovi?" He wiped his face and eyed her curiously, "Really?"

"Hey." She admonished, "Bon Jovi rocks."

"On occasion." Dean added with a scoff, "Maybe."

"And this, little brother, is the perfect occasion." Angel grinned then motioned to all of them, "C'mon." She began singing dramatically with the song, "'And I walk these streets, A loaded six-string on my back, I play for keeps...'" She motioned to the car, "You guys know the words, c'mon. ''Cause I might not make it back, I've been everywhere...'"

Sam laughed as he joined in, "'Oh yeah!'"

Then Dean, "'And I'm standing tall...'"

And finally Asa as they all joined in together, "'I've seen a million faces, And I rocked 'em all, 'Cause I'm a cowboy, On a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted...'"

She looked over to her brothers who were equally getting into it and grinned, "'WANTED!'"

All together, "'Dead or alive!'"

"'Dead or alive!'"

Angel began to lose the will to sing and her smile quickly faded away as reality set in. The boys, oblivious to her inner turmoil, continued to sing and laugh around her not realizing how taken Angel was with the lyrics. She was taking in the lyrics line by line, realizing how much they actually fit her current reality and what was about to come. They were quickly interrupted by a police siren as lights flashed behind them.

Angel turned and looked out the back window curiously as Sam looked over to Dean, "We getting pulled over?"

Dean looked in his side view mirror, "I've got a busted tail-light." He grumbled, "It's not like we're in a hurry or nothing."

Angel took a deep breath, "And this is why dad was always on your ass about upkeeping the impala."

"Yeah." Dean glared at her through the rear view, "Noted. Just let me handle it." He promptly pulled over, rolled down his window, and took the license and registration from Sam as the cop walked up to his window with his flashlight in hand, "Problem officer?"

"Licence and registration, please." Dean handed out the needed papers and the officer took them to read as he spoke, "Do you realise you have a tail-light out, Mr. Haggard?"

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