Ch 6 Section 2

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Gordon and Kubrick advance together, firing freely. The Winchesters dived behind parked cars and managed to entirely avoid getting shot. They quickly ducked behind a wall and crouched as they panted, trying to catch their breath.

Angel peaked around a car and noticed the two of them were reloading their weapons. She immediately sprung into action.

"You two run." She instructed, getting ready to start sprinting, "I'll draw them off."

"What?!" Sam yelled, "No!"

"Angel, are you insane?!"

"No, but even in a dress I'm faster than you two. Run."

Before they could stop her, Angel darted out into the line of fire, leaped on top of a car and used it to get over a second-story parking lot entrance. Kubrick instantly bolted forward and followed her as Gordon stayed behind and headed for where the boys were hiding. As he rounded the corner the spot was empty. Irritatedly Gordon put his gun down as he looked towards where Kubrick ran. All of a sudden a figure leaped down on him from above, sending him sprawling to the ground. It was Dixon, the Vampire. He kicked Gordon in the face several times and knocked him out.

Later on, in a motel room...

Back in the motel room the boys were getting more and more worried with each passing second.

"Alright, that's it." Dean stopped pacing, "We're going after her."

Just then Angel entered and Sam stood, "There you are!"

"Are you okay?!" Dean looked her over incredulously, "Where the hell have you been?!"

"I'm fine." She waved them off and walked over to her duffle to pull out clothes, "I had to stop and get shoes. I was running around barefoot."

"What are you, suicidal?" Dean yelled angrily as she turned away from them, "What the hell was that back there?"

"Yeah!" Sam scoffed coming up to stand beside him as worry clouded his face, "Nice move you pulled, running right at the weapons!"

"Okay, you two need to relax. I had to improvise and it worked." Sighing she turned around and eyed them, "Guess this means Gordons been sprung."

"Yeah." Dean scoffed walking away from her and wiping his face, "And once again he's gunning for us."

"You know..." Sam shook his head, "How the hell did he even know where to find us?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Angel asked as she took her clothes and went into the bathroom to change, "Bela sold us out. Dean, that phone call the other day she made to you was to get info for Gordon, I'd bet my life on it."

"That bitch." As Dean glared he pulled out his cell phone and dialed, "Hi, Bela."

"Hello, Dean."

"Question for you. When you called me yesterday, it wasn't to thank me for saving your ass, was it?"

"No." Her voice was unabashed, "Gordon Walker paid me to tell him where you were."

Dean scoffed, "Excuse me?"

She chuckled, "Well, he had a gun on me. What else was I supposed to do?"

Dean's voice rose in anger, "I don't know, maybe pick up the phone and tell us that a raging psychopath was dropping by?!"

"Ah. I did fully intend to call, I just got a bit sidetracked."

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