Ch 9 Section 4

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Two days later...

Dean sat behind the wheel of the impala with Sam in the back seat. Angel was beside him bouncing her knee in irritation, clearly livid and jittered up.

"This freakin' sucks. Like really really sucks." She scoffed, "This kid isn't a ghost or a freakin supernatural whatever. He's a freakin human so where the hell could he be?"

"Ang, maybe you should drink some water." Sam offered carefully, "You seem a little..."

Dean looked over at her, "Caffeinated."

"Oh, do I?! Do I?!" She yelled back angrily earning looks from the both of them, "Thank you for pointing out the obvious Captain Douche and Sergeant Jerkface!" When her cell rang she sighed in frustration as she fumbled for it before finally getting it in hand, "Bobby, please tell me you got something!

"Strip club was a bust, huh?"


"That was our last lead."

She groaned, "Oh, come on, Bobby!"

"Don't yell at me, girl. I'm working my ass off here."

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just..." She sighed heavily again and ran a hand down her face, "I'm tired."

"Well, who ain't?"

"Does Bela have anything?"

After a pause Bobby answered, "She's got nothing."

"Oh, well thats- thats just amazing! I am so glad she stuck around to help." She snapped, "You know what? I think I'll just go and pick out my headstone now!" She flipped the phone closed and threw it in the backseat, narrowly missing Sam, before turning her anger on Dean, "Turn here! Now!" Dean jumped at her angry voice and glared at her as he turned down a side road, "Stop the car!"

He slammed his foot on the brakes as they got to a clearing in the woods and looked at her like she had gone insane, "What the hell is the matter with you?"

"You wanna know what my problem is?" Reaching over she grabbed the keys to shut off the engine while Dean scrambled to put the Impala in park, "I'm tired. I'm exhausted and this whole thing is making me a paranoid jittery mess! I can't drink another espresso Dean!" She slid down a bit in her seat, crossing her arms and resting her head on the back, "So, were handling this my way."

Sam shook his head, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that I'm taking myself a long-overdue nap."

Dean angered and pushed her arm so she'd open her eyes, "The hell you are, Angel!"

"Angel!" Sam popped up next to her ear making her jump at his volume, "That's the dumbest idea you've had all week. Jeremy can come after you."

"Yeah, that's the idea." She glared at them before shutting her eyes again, "Now, both of you, kindly shut your face holes."

"No!" Dean shook her again, "What the hell are you talking about? You wanna volunteer to go up against this guy alone? Were we not in the same house earlier? We almost died!"

"Look, we can't find him so this is the only plausible alternative. Lets let him come to me instead of staying up another four days and wasting time not finding him."

"You think the only plausible alternative is running onto his own turf blind?" Sam scoffed, "Where he's basically a god?"

"I've been hunting since I was thirteen, Sam." She leaned her head back again and settled in her seat, "I think I can handle it."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now