Ch 10 Section 4

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Sam glared, "Why are you doing this?"

"You're joking, right? You chuckleheads tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn't I do this?"

"And Hasselback?" Dean barked out in irritation, "What about him?"

"That putz? He said he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one." He laughed, "Then you three showed up. I made you the second you hit town."

"So this is fun for you?" Sam angered, "Killing the two of them over and over again?"

"One, yes. It is fun. And two? This is so not about killing Angel or Dean. This joke is on you, Sam. Watching your brother and sister die every day. Forever."

"You son of a bitch!"

"How long will it take you to realize? You can't save brother. You can't save your sister." Angels brows furrowed at that statement and the immediate depth in held, "No matter what."

"Oh yeah? I kill you, this all ends now."

"Oh-oh, hey, whoa!" He yelled out as Sam pressed the stake deeper into the tricksters neck, "Okay, look. I was just playing around. You can't take a joke, fine. You're out of it. Tomorrow, you'll wake up and it'll be Wednesday. I swear."

"You're lying."

"If I am, you know where to find me. Having pancakes at the diner."

Sam paused to look at each of his siblings for a few moments, "No." He turned back to the trickster, "Easier to just kill you."

"Sorry, kiddo. Can't have that."

The trickster snapped his fingers and once again Sams eyes snapped open to the loud music coming from the bedside radio. Only this time it was a different song.

"But you'd better promise me I'll be back in time!"

He jumped and sat up in bed when someone slapped his foot. He only calmed down when he saw it was Angel.

She cocked a brow at him, "You gonna sleep all day or what?"

His brows furrowed as he looked from her, currently rummaging through her bag, to Dean was brushing his teeth at the bathroom sink, "No Asia."

"Yeah, I know." Dean grumbled after he spit, "This station sucks."

Sam stared at the clock radio and gasped when he read that it said WED, "It's Wednesday!"

"It is." Angel said boredly as she zipped up her bag, "Wednesday usually comes after Tuesday, Sam."

Dean motioned before resuming his teeth brushing, "Turn that thing off, will you?"

"What, are you kidding me?" Sam grinned, "This isn't the most beautiful song you've ever heard?"

"No." Dean frowned, "How many Tuesdays did you have?"

"I don't know. I lost count." Sam threw a long-sleeved shirt over his T-shirt before looking between them, "What do you two remember?"

"I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday." Dean answered first, "Then I remember running into the Trickster."

Angel nodded as she clicked the safety of her gun on and placed it in its holster, "That's about it for me too."

"Alright. Pack your stuff up guys." He hurriedly instructed, "Let's get the hell out of town. Now."

Dean frowned, "No breakfast?"

"No breakfast." Sam turned to Angel as she opened her mouth to speak next, "No coffee either."

In the parking lot...

Angel walked over to Dean as he pulled out a shotgun from the secret compartment. He put it in a duffel bag, closed the compartment, and put the bag in the trunk just before she put her own duffle beside that one.

He looked at her as he closed the trunk, "You think it's a good idea that we just let the Trickster go?"

"No, but Sam's pretty spooked." She sighed, "So the best thing to do right now is to hit the road until he calms down a little bit."

When they both turned around they were face to face with Cal who was pointing a handgun between them, "Gimme your wallets!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, buddy." Dean and Angel both raised their hands as Dean shuffled a little so he was in front of his sister, "Just relax."

Cal tensed even more, clearly not listening at all, "I am relaxed!"

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be alright sir." Angel met his eyes as she kept her voice calm, "Nobody wants this to end the wrong way. Let's just talk for a second."

Back in the motel room...

Sam was packing his stuff into his backpack when his head snapped around at the sound of two gunshots, "No, no, no."

As Cal ran around the corner, Sam hurried down the motel exterior stairs. Angel and Dean were each on their sides on the asphalt, blood squirted from their chest wounds.

"No, no, no. Not today." Sam bolted over to them, "Come on, not today." He dropped between the two of them in devastation, "No, hey, hey..." He cried as he shook them, trying to get a reaction from them, "This isn't supposed to happen today-" When he realized the both of them were eerily still, dead, he closed his eyes and waited, but nothing happened and when he opened his eyes again both of them were still dead, "I'm supposed to wake up."

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