Ch 8 Section 5

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Back at the motel...

After retrieving some snacks out of the vending machine, Angel walked outside of the motel towards her room. The lights around her began to flicker and she stopped walking immediately. Her body tensed as she looked around at all sides of her but no one was there. As she turned again, Ruby stood before her in the shadows of the hotel parking lot.

"You sure know how to make an entrance, I'll give you that." Angel studied the blonde as she glared at her in return, "So. Here to tell me the uh, the devil may care or some crap adjacent?"

Ruby stepped into the light, "I don't believe in the devil."

"Right." Angel nodded as she walked towards her, "Let's recap the little history lesson we had tonight, shall we? You were human once, you died, you went to hell..." She motioned, "Then you became a..."

Ruby nodded once before turning to leave, "Yeah."

Angels voice had her stopped, "When were you human?"

"Back when the plague was big."

"So... what?" Angel frowned as a grim realization, one that had been haunting her for some time, settled in her gut, "All of- Every demon we've encountered, every demon in hell, they were all human once?"

Ruby turned to face her, "Everyone I've ever met."

"Well, they sure don't act like it."

"Most of them have forgotten what it means... or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Ang. That's what Hell is- forgetting what you are."

"Yeah... you know my instincts are telling me I shouldn't be taking philosophy advice from a demon." Angel crossed her arms as she planted a mask on her face to hide her emotions, "I'll pass, thanks."

"It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit. Agonies you can't even imagine."

"No, no." Angel shrugged, "Dean made me sit through 'Hellraiser' so I think I get the gist."

"Actually, they got that pretty close." Ruby smirked as she turned and started to walk away, "Except for all the custom leather."

"Well, shit." Angel flinched a little as she leaned onto the impala, thoughts flooded her but she masked it with humor, "And here I thought that was the best part."

Ruby stopped her departure once more and turned back, "The answer is yes, by the way."

"I'm sorry?"

"Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later, Hell will burn away your humanity. Every Hell-bound soul, every one, turns into something else. Turns you into us. So yeah. Yeah, you can count on it."

At her words Angel let out a humorless laugh and met her eyes, "I can't be saved, can I?"

Ruby sighed, "No."

"Then why'd you tell Sammy you could?"

"So he would talk to me." She shrugged minutely, "You Winchesters can be pretty bigoted. I needed something to help him get past the-"

"Black-eyes? Damned soul?" Angel motioned her head, "Yeah, the demon thing is pretty hard to get past."

"Look at you." Ruby laughed, "Tryin' to be all stoic. My god, it's heartbreaking."

Angel rolled her eyes as she pushed herself off the impala to close the distance between them once more, "Why are you even telling me this?"

"I need your help."

"My help?" Her brows furrowed, "Help with what?"

"With Sam. The way you and Dean tag teamed and stuck that demon tonight- it was pretty tough. Sam's almost there, but not quite." She cocked an eyebrow, "And he learns way faster when you're the one teaching him. He listens to you. So, I need you to help me get him ready- for life without you. So he can fight this war with Dean and win."

"Ruby!" Angel yelled for her as she turned to leave for a final time and she paused, "Why do you want us to win?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She turned one final time to face Angel, "I'm not like them. I don't know why. I- I wish I was, but... I'm not. I remember what it's like."

"What what's like?"

"Being human."

Angel looked down lost in her thoughts, and when she looked up Ruby had disappeared leaving Angel alone in the parking lot.

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