Chapter 60: Muddy Waves: Part 1:Fractured

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A few days have passed since the attack. Perhaps it was better for her that she chose to keep a distance from everyone. Arisa earned some peace, still processing everything that has been revealed so far. She never expected that Arash, or should she say, Prince Tulok, was just like her. At least, her past self. Both were born sickly. Both did not have normal childhoods. Both were able to survive because of books. Both were cured at age 13 and it suddenly crashed down at age 23. But...their paths took different turns. For Arisa, she accepted she wasn't going to get better and would lose the battle. She knew she was going to die but still had regrets. Her regrets were not being able to say goodbye to her family and friends. She regretted that she was envious of those that lived normal lives.

But...what caused Arash to go a different path? What caused him to choose the darkness? What caused him to become so despicable that he even went as far as to hurt his siblings to take the throne? What made him make such a drastic change in his personality? Perhaps they were more alike than she wants. For now, all she wanted was to return to the monastery and hug her father and her family tightly.

"Hissss..." she hissed as she felt her Hegemon arm pulse a bit.

Elder Mika did the best she could by wrapping bandages and a few talismans on it to help stabilize it. She was surprised to learn the elder is someone from the Anti-magic clan. Even more, Flayn was able to cast such a spell. But that was because the elder had her wear a necklace to protect her body. For Hai, it is natural because her mother was one of the rare Agarthans that could use it. Still, that didn't stop Arisa from having so many questions.

"We've arrived!"

Arisa opened her eyes as she looked to where everyone was looking. From above the hill they were, the view of the Albinea's ocean port was amazing. The children of the caravan began cheering and the wolves let out their howls to announce that the caravan they were guarding had arrived safely. There was silence for a few seconds when another set of howls were heard, but this time they came from the port.

"In Albinea, the Giant Snow Wolves have been used for generations to help out with transportation but also as a way to announce that caravans have been safely escorted. The second set of howls you all heard were from the wolves that guard the port." Dietre explained as he took a bite from the dried meat he packed.

"Incredible!" Flayn gasped and Shirou let out a happy bark, "Isn't that amazing Arisa?!" She turned to the woman but no response.

Arisa had a blank face as she looked at the port. She could see people in their winter clothing unloading supplies from ships. Her emotions have been stunned as of lately. At times, Arisa feels joy and on occasions when the group is talking. Sometimes she doesn't make a single sound as her gaze fades out and daydreams. The distant look in her eyes says it all. The tiny bit of scales on her cheek she put a bandage.

"It looks fine," Arisa muttered as she gently touched the cloth of half cloak covering the right side of her body.

Flayn looked at her sadly as she walked ahead with everyone else. Dietre sighed as he gave Flayn a gentle pat on the head as they both watched the group walk a bit ahead.

"Give her some time. She'll come around." He said and Flayn nodded as the two walked to catch up.

A few minutes later they were down the hill and now upon closer look, Arisa could see the different variety of ships that were in the ports as well as other things that could be seen from the hilltop view. There was a fish market selling different varieties of freshly caught fish and bids being made to buy the freshest ones. There were a few homes in the area, mostly fishermen with their wives and children. Putting on her hood, she walked silently as she looked around. She spotted a shop that was selling souvenirs and her lips curved up a bit as memories from Dadga came back.

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