Chapter 23: Lion's Den: Part 2: Introductions

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"King Lambert," Emily spoke to the king in his office.

The woman and the rest had chosen to leave for office to allow the young girl and her uncle to speak privately. The four of the Empire had politely excused themselves and warped themselves back to their homes. Edward returned to Duke Reigan.

"Lady Kiana unfortunately would not be able to join you later tonight for dinner. Seems....that today's meeting put a huge stress on her." Emily said King Lambert looked up from his papers, concerned.

"Is she alright?" He asked.

"She is. I currently had a maid set up a room for her to stay in. She's asleep right now. Seems the journey to come here to the Kingdom and the stress has gotten to her. I swear," Emily chuckled, "she always over works herself. I'll have to keep an eye on her." She said and he nodded.

"I hope she'll be better tomorrow morning. But you arrived at a good time. I wanted to discuss with you about the contracts with Miss Kalsana." He said and she nodded as she sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"I'm surprised you offered the Zoltras name to her. There aren't many members left in your house. Do wish to bring in new people?" He asked and Emily sighed.

"Truthfully, I wish to start a family soon." She said and the man looked at her surprised, "But for now, I wish to adopt and bring in new members. My stepmother took me in after House Martritz fell. I had no mother and father, for they had given their lives to protect me. I wish to reach out my hand to someone. Just like Lady Zoltra did to me." She said and he smiled softly.

"Truthfully, you reminded me a lot of her. She was the one that helped raise me and my brother. I'm sure if she was here with us, she would be proud." He said and she smiled softly.

"Thank you." She chuckled, "Seems we got a bit off topic." She said.

"Ahh!! Forgive me about that. Back to the contracts, this is the land I will be giving Miss Kalsana." He said and handed her a document.

"Hmm...not bad." Emily said, "The Lands of Mateus. The land rich in natural materials along the coast of the sea. Perfect for trade and its valuable flowers said to have originated from Duscur and Sreng." She said and he nodded.

"Also, home to many fae." He smirked and the woman snickered.

"So, you were tipped off too by Lord Holst offer!! I knew it!!" Emily laughed and the king chuckled.

"It's not every day one has such an opportunity. When I heard his offer, I must admit, I was impressed. The Alliance is well known for its large forest terrain as well as its large population of fae." King Lambert stated as he took out another document and handed it to her.

The girl read its contents and slightly raised an eyebrow.

"So, let me get this straight, you wish for her to be your children's professor but also, IF she agrees, to possibly make one of them her own apprentice? And, if fate decides it, marry one of them?! King Lambert, the girl clearly stated she isn't ready for marriage!! You saw how uncomfortable she was when Duke Reigan said she could marry his grandson!!" Emily said as she slammed the paper down.

"Marriage? I didn't put that in the document." He said and Emily took out her glasses and read again.

She face palms.

"Forgive me. I confused military training with marriage. I'm an idiot." She groans and he chuckled.

"It is alright. I wish for her to do a mock battle to demonstrate her talent as a tactician. Also, since the semester doesn't start in another 7 days, I recommend taking her to your land in Rhodos Coast. You two will be neighbors." He said and she nodded.

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