Chapter 48:Bloody Grail: Part 2: Exploring Cinders

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"Kid, I can't believe you woke me up this late. You shouldn't even be up."

Amir and Alexandra giggled as they were walking behind Christian and Jeralt, the two adults bickering a bit.

"Come on, Pops. Look, I am sorry for waking you up, but this is really important. And it also involves you two." Chris looked over to Amir and Alexandra, both confused.

"What do we have to do with this?" Amir said as she looked over to Alexandra, who also shrugged.

"Hmmm....." Jeralt hums as they walked down the hallways and to the area where the passage was found.

"Make sure to stay near me. Don't want you kids getting lost." Jeralt says as Chris made a goldfish of fire appear and light the way.

"Ah." Both Amir and Alexandra nearly froze but continued following the two males.

"Did you feel that?" Amir whispered to her.

"Yeah....could it be possible...?" Alexandra muttered.

"What are you girls whispering about?" Jeralt asked and then went silent.

"Shh." Chris suddenly said and sure enough, the sound of fighting was heard.

The group hid behind the walls and could see the 4 lords clashing with different people as well as 4 students. Edelgard battled against Constance, Lestia against Balthus. Claude against Hapi and well.... Dimitri and Yuri...their battle was vicious. Chris already knew they were fighting over Arisa and probably taking out their anger in this fight. Typical people of Faerghus. Let their anger unleash in the battle. Well, he was the same. Jeralt was the same. Alex also. Back to the battle, Arisa spun on her left heel to dodge an axe that was swung at her, and then did an upper cut at them, knocking them down. From earlier before the fight, Yuri ordered the Abyssians army to not kill them and to immediately retreat if they were defeated.

"Ha!!! Not bad miss!!!! You got guts!!" Balthus as he dodged the sidekick Lestia did at him.

"Hyaa!!" Her kick ended up hitting the brick wall, destroying it completely.

Balthus was beyond glad he dodged that kick because he was pretty sure he was not going to survive that.

"Balthus!!" The man quickly turned and paled when he saw the familiar pink hair from a few months ago.

"Holst is going to kill me..." he muttered and quickly warped away in retreat.

"Well...." Yuri chuckled, "Balthus is out. I think that pink head was Hilda..." he says and quickly used his leather shield to stop Dimitri's lance.

Of course, Yuri saw anger in the prince's eyes, so time for a little Foul Play. Besides, he wanted to fight Arisa who was busy defending the green haired boy and boy with hazel brown hair, who had a staff. Linhardt and Dominic, he believed, were their names.

"Well, your highness." Yuri jumped back and smirked, "It was an honor to feel that legendary brute strength in this battle, but I think I'm needed elsewhere." Yuri quickly had his eyes land on Dominic, a sly smirk on his face formed.

Dimitri quickly looked towards where Yuri was looking and charged at him but too late. Foul Play was used, and Yuri was replaced with Dominic, who screamed when Dimitri's lance came at him. The prince barely stopped an inch when he realized Yuri wasn't there anymore.

"Oh, my goodness!!! I am so sorry Dominic!!! Please, are you alright?!" The prince panicked while the boy was looking like his soul left his body.

"I thought...I was a goner...." Dominic whimpered as he was helped back up.

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