Chapter 18: Back Home: Part 1: Lesson Learned

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It's been three days since Arisa's birthday and the three months in the Alliance was over. One of the few things Arisa was very proud of was being able to publish a book. Her first book just so happened to be King Arthur and The Knights of the Roundtable. The girl was been wanting years to share the literature of her world and now she finally had a chance. The release of the story was huge success and was very popular in the Kingdom. Of course, like usual, she didn't go by her real name. Since she was going by Kiana Kalsana she thought "Might as well go by her mother's name." And since then, her pen name as an author is Cecilia Schariac. Of course, there were other works of literature she wanted to publish but she needs to take it slowly. Rushing it would bring suspicions so one book every three months should work. She originally was going to publish Romeo and Juliet just to see how it would turn out, but that idea went out the door when she found out that story existed in this world. And she is considering of sharing the stories of the Fire Emblem Series but that was a still huge debate. The money she is receiving from her book sales is going into her bank account that she made around a year ago. She was a bit surprised a banking system existed since the first one in her world didn't exist till 1791. So, this felt a bit of a relief for her. Of course, her family each had their own accounts too. The way she had access to the money was a magic card made of orona metal. Though it isn't used for currency anymore, it is used as a form of a credit/debit card. Technology advances were happening in this world but at an extremely slow pace, enough that Rhea doesn't have to worry about. Of course, the Archbishop still had eyes everywhere and keeping watch to make sure there isn't a sudden advancement. She still strikes it down immediately like it was a disgusting parasite. Back to the original subject, she's going to miss Claude but not his pranks. Ooohhh!!! Her, Amir and Alexandra only fueled his love for schemes and poisons, none of them were looking forward to the new plans the boy was brewing.

"I feel like I just made him advance his schemes to a whole new level of doom..." she thought to herself.

Then there was that paranoia that he was going to be attacked again. She showed him survival skills, how to lay traps, her old side of once being a professor came out on him as she taught him Archery, martial arts and even more when she was teaching him science and astronomy. She was strict, kind, but also helped him when he needed it. Just like she was in her old days. The boy loved his lessons. Especially astronomy. His love for the stars was enough for her to give in and teach him as much she could about them. The boy had an amazing time with her. He still called her "Teach", even though she keeps telling him to call her Professor. By the 2nd day, she gave up, and let him continue calling her "Teach". He also enjoyed listening to the stories she would talk about. His favorites were The Adventures of Sinbad and The Prince of Persia. But he was no idiot. Even being a 7-year-old, the boy was smart, he knew she knew more than she was letting on. It racked his brain even more that he could never figure out what she was thinking. He could usually read others like a book (except her and Amir) but his professor? It felt like he was almost looking at a blank slate, yet she held so much hidden knowledge just waiting to be discovered. Now, his lessons with Amir were good. For a bow user, he was surprised he was good at using an axe and had a bit too much fun at times. That resulted in a yelling from Amir. If he thought his teacher was strict, Amir was a whole new level. He felt as he was being trained by Judith. No, it felt like he was being trained by a military general, but she also taught him a few lessons about being a merchant, much to the horror of Judith because the boy had a way to make deals that sometimes scared the adults. Now training with Alexandra. She was kind, cheerful, gentle. The opposite of Amir but unfortunately the influence of her Crest was still there. She still calls Claude a brat and her personality sometimes has that shift. Ridings lessons became flying lessons because Arisa had allowed her to use Red Hare. Poor Claude had his soul leave his body too many times because the speed the red horse went (on purpose sometimes). Alexandra laughed proudly, enjoying the rocket speed they were going at, same with Falco because the baby wyvern loved flying but would cling onto his master. Claude, at first was scared but grew to enjoy that dangerous speed they would go to. Then flying lessons of riding a pegasus came to whole new level of difficulty.

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