Chapter 1: Clear Clouds: Part 1:Taking a Small Step

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The overwhelming sleep that took over her body as she closed her heavy eyelids, that was what it felt like.






A whisper so faint, you wouldn't be able to hear it if the darkness was not so still and silent. Only that whisper so, so, faint, could be heard.


She whispered as she felt the grogginess from her body begin to go away. She can tell she was still falling but it felt more like floating. This time, the heaviness of her eyes was almost gone and this time she was able to open her eyes a bit. She saw what seemed to be a small sphere of light floating to her till it was only a few inches away from her chest. The small spark glowed, and it showed the outline of someone. She could tell it was female though they were seen through. The female outline was talking, and she could barely even make out what it was saying.


That was all she could hear till the female outline smiled softly and intertwined her hands with hers. A warm feeling filled her body as the outline disappearing into a glowing shower of green dust. It surrounded her till it seemed to be absorbed into her. Her strength was returning, almost as if she was healthy again.

Floating, floating.

Softly, she felt her feet gently touch some type floor. Cold it felt. Like stone.

"Hmmm.....where....?" She muttered as she carefully opened her eyes to look at her surroundings.

She blinked as she kept looking around. She spun a bit to have a better look of her surroundings. A blue and green colored stone floor she saw as her eyes travelled through the room. Two tall torches with burning blue flames stood on the right and left of stairs. The stairs were tall, it reminded her of the stairs of a Aztec Pyramid. The glowing light of the blue flames gave the place a majestic feeling, almost divine.


She blinked as she walked towards the stairs she saw. Carefully, she took a step on them and the flames seemed to glow a bit brighter. She heard the soft snoring and began to climb up the stairs, towards the snoring. Up she walked the stairs, the snoring becoming clearer, she could tell it belong to a female, perhaps a child. A few more seconds of climbing and she reached the top. Before her eyes, was a huge throne made of stone. On it, was a symbol that looked familiar. Her eyes travelled down to a sleeping figure on the throne. A young girl with dark green colored hair, slight peach skin, pointed ears, and wearing a strange foreign dress. Through her mind, "she looked adorable" Arisa was thinking. The girl began to stir a bit and lightly opened her eyes, but not fully. She blinked a but still yawned into her hands and her eyes locked with hers.

" What could have...yaawwnn..brought you here? I wonder how you got here...yaawwn." She woke up and rubbed her eyes, yawning. She stretched her arms and Arisa couldn't help but chuckle. The feeling of familiarity was beginning to fill Arisa as she look a closer look at this girl. A few thoughts were going through her head.

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