Chapter 39: Memory's Whisper: Part 1: Preparations

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- Harpstring Moon: May 2nd -

"Now," with her steel lance held in her hands, head held high, dressed in a gray tank top, black tight shorts that stopped just above her knees, training boots, her hair in a bun, Alexandra was ready to start her first seminar, "we all know the basics of using a lance; however, today I will be showing a specific combat arts that can be used. It will take a while to master, so do not expect me to show mercy in my training. As well as I'll be teaching you all riding lessons." Alexandra said as she spun her lance.

The students present for this seminar were Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Dimitri, Sylvain, Lorenz, Ingrid, Marianne, Leonie, and Dominic. She could feel the stares of all of them as they saw the strange scars all over her and the woman was not embarrassed as she turned back to them with a tone that put them on edge.

"If you all keep staring, I'll make you all run 20 laps. So, ask away." She said and no one dared ask but like usual, there is the brave one and that was Dominic.

"Sis, you never said how you got your scars." Dominic said and Alexandra sighs.

"Only Arisa and Amir know, so might as well say." The woman said as she pointed to the one on her chest, "My mother did this to me." She said and many looked at her shocked and others horrified.

Sylvain gritted his teeth as his grip on his lance tightened as Alexandra continued to speak more about her past. He only knew a little bit but now hearing it from her. It hurt.

"I used to be a noble in the Kingdom before hell came down on me. My father did everything he could to protect me from my mother, who abused me. These scars I bear are the result of the failed experiment I am. I was eventually saved by Arisa and Amir. They saved me from going mad. Now, I display these scars proudly, to show that I live." She said and pulled out her necklace, showing it, "This used to belong to my father, now it has been passed onto me. Back to the topic, we'll start with a warmup! Everyone gets in partners and helps each other stretch!! I'll be having you all the most basic lance moves, Tempest Lance. Once mastered, we'll begin to progress to more advanced moves. Later, it's a sparring match. Who is the brave who dares come and cha----someone else besides Sylvain!!" Alexandra said as Sylvain raised his hand happily.

"Bring it on Alex!!" Leonie yelled and Alexandra nodded to her in approval.

It was obvious to her that Bernadetta did not want to be here and Marianne, sweet girl, did not want to be there either but she was putting up with it because Alexandra was there, and the girl actually wanted to learn. Alexandra did speak with Arisa about putting Marianne on a pegasus along with Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Sylvain, Leonie, Lorenz on horses. A wyvern for Dominic because the punk already has too much fun sneaking into the stable to ride Falco when he isn't supposed to. And a griffon for Dimitri. A horse would also work.

"You seem to be having fun." Alexandra let go of a sigh as she looked up to see Cirina floating around, watching the students stretch before they each got their training lances, and started practicing thrust, "I swear these punks. Look at them. I'm surprised you haven't frozen them solid then shattered them to pieces. The girl of purple possesses the Crest of Indech, the orange of Cichol, the blonde and redhead of the 10 Elites and sweet Marie is forgiven. The child does not need to suffer more." Cirina giggled and watched Marianne happily.

"If you have time to watch, then at least be quiet about it." Alexandra said back to her and Cirina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. So, want to spar?" Cirina said, throwing the girl off guard.

"What?" Alexandra said.

"You heard me." Cirina floated back down, her feet touching the ground, snowflakes falling where she stood, making her manifest before her, catching her off guard as many who suddenly saw someone appear.

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