Chapter 53: Death's Caress: System

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In an empty area of the garden where almost no one goes two, the silence there was considered a bliss. Very few people liked going to that area but considering it was summer, those lucky to claim it, have it for the rest of the summer. Or so they say. The area was under a 300-year-old maidenhair tree, also known as a gingko by a few. With a table set up with a small three tier stand with desserts, sandwiches, and pastries, Edelgard took a sip of her tea. She placed the cup down and looked up to the girl that sat across from her, her violet eyes calculating.

"What favor did you need Sadi?" The imperial princess asked as the Duscur girl held her teacup with two hands.

Edelgard could tell the girl was shaking by how little the cup trembled in her hand. Still, she was intrigued by what had caused the girl so much distress. Even more since her and Sadi barely know each other as well speak. Hubert was not too far since he was ordered by Edelgard to go fetch someone specifically. Sadi took a deep breath and spoke.

"Can you tell me the history of the Crest System?" Sadi asked and Edelgard looked at her a bit surprised.

"That is an odd question to ask me. I assumed Lestia has informed you since you are her retrainer." Edelgard says as the Duscur girl took a sip of her tea.

"She has tried to speak of it because she wants me to be educated and informed but each time we try to talk..someone either interrupts us or takes her away." Sadi grumbled as she took another sip of her tea.

"Hmmm.....well, I guess I can inform you of it. The way the Crest System is run is the main reason why the Church has ordered us to retrieve the Lance of Ruin." Edelgard says as she raised her cup and took a sip of her tea.

"I met Miklan.....three times....Sylvain doesn't know....." Sadi answered and Edelgard raised an eyebrow.

"As of this year or in the past?" She asked.

"4 years ago.....the first time I met Miklan, I was on the verge of getting attacked by a mob. I thought he was Sylvain at first because they have the same hair color. He helped me escape the mob." Sadi explains as the girl took another sip of her tea.

"When was the second time you met him?" Edelgard asked as she rested her elbows on the table and her hands intertwined together.

"Second time, I ran into him by accident. He was stealing food from a vendor. He helped me, so I helped him. Led him to a direction where he escaped." Sadi says and Edelgard could not help but smile a bit.

"She's very innocent. I'm assuming that the reason Sylvain never spoke to her about Miklan was because it was possible, he may have told her to stay away from. Hmmm....Sadi....Now that I think about it...a few months ago her hair color changed to pure black like did Amir's. Amir has a Crest, the Crest of Timotheos. But Sadi does not come from the Amaryllis bloodline. It could be possible...." Edelgard thought and spoke.

"And the third time? What happened?" She asked and Sadi let go of a sigh.

"I found him starving in an alleyway in Fhirdiad and left him a small box of food." The girl admitted and took a large gulp of her tea.

"Hmmmm.....What are your thoughts on him?" The princess asked.

"I don't know much. I've only heard a bit from Felix, Ingrid, Dimitri and Sylvain. But...I did recently learn that Professor Arisa left him like a rag doll 11 years ago." She says and Edelgard slammed her forehead on the table.

"Pardon?!" Edelgard screeched.

"Well.....Sylvain said that 17 years ago, that Professor Arisa caught his brother trying to kill him and the others. The two got in a fist fight so bad that the servants had a difficult time separating them. She left him like a ragged doll." Sadi explains as Edelgard gawked.

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