Chapter 56: Reito-Chi: Part 3: Lost Story

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When the war between the foreigners of the far lands and the Gods of the land of Albinea was over, the gods wept as they saw how war tore the land apart. For like the Progenitor God, the God of Ice used all his strength to repair the it. The Goddess of The Sea used her power to bring back water and fish to lakes, rivers, and streams so the people may hunt and sleep with bellies full. When the land was finished repairing, the Gods knew it was time to pass down the torch of their rule to someone they deemed worthy.

"Warrior who stood beside us and showed loyalty, trust, strength, leadership, courage and kindness! We thank you for everything you and your people have done!"

The God of Ice bellowed as he held a relic that was gifted to him by the progenitor god.

"My Gods, we would have not been able to win this war without your guidance."

The warrior, Kiviuk smiled as the goddess of water shook her.

"Though you had our guidance, the people of the land chose to follow you as you led them. For they have chosen you as do we." The goddess smiled.

Kiviuk was confused yet his eyes widened in great surprise when the God of Ice placed his relic in his hands and the Goddess of Sea placed a crown on his head.

"For it is time for the influence of us Gods to leave. Kiviuk, Great General and Warrior, we chose you to pass down the torch of rule to you!" The gods said and the warrior was shocked.

"Our time of rule is done. It is time you humans take fate into your own hands." The God of Ice said.

"For we trust you and generations to come to lead this land well. Rise, Kiviuk, for you are the new king of this land." The goddess of the sea smiled fondly.

Kiviuk shook with joy as he rose and nodded as tears streamed down his eyes.

"Gods, I swear to you I will watch this land grow in peace and prosperity! I promise!" Kiviuk wept and the two gods chuckled.

"Don't cry my boy! You earned it!" The God of Ice grinned.

"These are tears of joy sir!" Kiviuk grinned as he wiped his tears.

"Before we depart, we shall leave one last gift." The goddess said and her husband nodded.

For the two cut the palm of their hands, letting their blood drip onto the floor. It blended and glowed, taking the form that they desire. For now, standing before the king, was a person. The person opened their eyes and smiled, bowed to them.

"This is [--]. For this child is created from our blood. For she will stand by your side and watch over you and your children as generations to come. And when in times of need, she will help you and give wisdom."

"Do not worship me." [--] smiled, "For you and I will stand side by side as equals. You are my equal even if you are my king."

For with their final gift, the Gods of Ice and the Sea gave their final blessings to the land, king and people, they left across the sea, never to be seen again.

Years passed and with the guidance of [--], Kiviuk turned the mountains to an amazing Kingdom. The king and his people work hard through the years to build their home and bring peace and prosperity to the land. As a thank you to the gods, the king built a statue of them and had it placed in the middle of the Kingdom capital. [----] watched over the Kingdom as the years passed, seeing the fruits of labor grow. She and the king worked together to train their soldiers. In time, the king married and had 5 children. [---] was overjoyed and congratulated the king and queen. For like with her king and queen, she became a mentor for the children. She was happy seeing them grow up, yet....

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