Chapter 38:New Start:Part 2: The Storm Princess

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[A/N: I'm not very good writing fighting scenes so please bear with me.]

-Flashback: Imperial Year 1164 -

With an eye of baby blue and an eye of brown, she was often called special by her siblings and father. They always treated her kindly, filled with love and care, treating her like an equal. She was the little girl that lived her perfect life with her family, not a care in the world till one day, her first slap of reality came. She was 2 years old; it was 7 months prior before the 1st anniversary of the First consort. The girl was dressed in her favorite dress of pink with ruffles and ribbons, skipping happily through the hallways of the palace but unfortunately bumped into a noble lord. Like always, she greeted them with a toothy grin and said hello. But this noble, only looked at in disgust. As a child, they did not know the difference between right and wrong. But even a child knows when it sees evil. It is said that children from infants till they reach a certain age, can see and sense different things around them that adults cannot. Some are more connected to what others call "The other side". The princess, carefree and all, felt the first wave of evil as the noble looked at her coldly, like an insect that needed to be squash. Even she knew evil when the noble's words his mouth. Never had she heard such words filled with tone that felt yucky, scary and strange.

"What disgusting colored eyes!!"


"Felix, watch out for Dorothea on your right!! Dedue! Ignatz and Lorenz coming your way!!! Lorenz is disobeying Claude's orders so take advantage!! Lysithea, watch his back!! Sadi, Hubert on your left!! I'll take care of Ferdinand!!"

Arisa could hear the mental orders the princess was giving her each of her classmates as they charged forward to the battlefield. Confusion befell many as she only stood at the altar she was defending and only the war cries of her students was heard.

"She really meant it....that she would not be giving commands." Ingrid said as they saw Arisa was only standing at the altar, not a single move made.

Lestia jumped back to dodge Ferdinand's thrust at her, then spun to counterattack, her axe met the center of the lance as Ferdinand moved it to the front of him to defend himself.

"I see you saying no commands then how your team is getting the advantage?!" Ferdinand said then yelped when Lestia suddenly swooped and did a low kick at his feet, sending him falling to the ground on his back, the axe at his chest as she startled him.

"Get off him Lestia!!" Dimitri yelled, clearly not liking his sister on top of the boy, and Sylvain whistled.

"One down." Lestia said as she quickly got off him, the orange head was red.

"To answer your question." Lestia smiled as she placed her index finger on his lips (Dimitri: LESTIA!!!) ,"That's a secret only I know." And then ran the other direction while Ferdinand was left to stun to move.

Alexandra was a laughing mess as she warped the boy off the field and to the hills where the others were, he was still in shock and Sylvain was holding back Dimitri. While Lestia ran a different direction, Sadi and Hubert were locked in what people would call a war of magic that even Dorothea wouldn't even go near them. The older man was impressed that the 15-year-old was keeping up with him at an extraordinary pace but what was annoying him was how the girl only dodged and defended herself.

"Hehehehehe!!! Fun this is fun!!" Sadi giggled like a child as she danced around then spun, she was quickly equipped on the bow and fired, Hubert managed to dodge.

"Nice Sadi!! He's getting angry!!" Lestia's voice rang in her mind as Felix was locked in a battle with Lorenz and Dedue managed to come up from behind on Ignatz, getting him on the back.

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