Chapter 20: The New Road:Part 1: Soul

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- Imperial Year 1175: Verdant Moon: August 20th: 3 days left: Amir: 16, Arisa: 14, Alexandra: 14 -

- Dream -

In the middle of a lake she stood. The water was pitch black as she stood on the surface of it, the feeling was nothing but ice cold. Bubbles rippled from underneath it's surface, each one that pop, a scream of horror or agony screamed out. Why was she here? It wasn't just her. She felt like she was the goddess. She took a step back, fear creeping into her body. The water then began to turn crimson, no longer did it feel cold, but terrifying. She kept taking steps back as the screams became louder and louder. The crimson water held the smell of iron, it was so overpowering, she felt like vomiting. Human like figures began to rise out of the water, covered in boiled blood. Soulless pure black eyes looked at her in numbers of hundreds. Each one was either a grown man, a woman, even children. Their hands clawed at her dress, leaving their bloody finger stains on it. They cried and wept. Tears of blood feel from their empty eye sockets. Screams and cries held the sounds of gurgling, as inf they were chocking on their own blood. The girl screamed, horrified but her own scream was a combination of hers and the Goddess.


"Please help us...."


"HELP US MOTHER!!" All the figures boomed at once and she ran for her life, but she didn't make it far.

She screamed as multiple hands came out of the water and grabbed her, pulling her down to the boiled blood lake. She kept reaching out her hand, screaming for someone to help her. But all she saw were cold eyes as they brought down a blade. That's right....

She was experiencing The Death of Goddess.

- End of Dream -


She had screamed so loud that she bolted awake from her bed. She panted, her body sweating, the red gem on her gold chain had shattered to dust. Her door slammed open and she turned to see her friends and family, all holding weapons, ready to attack an intruder. That scream sounded as if someone killed her.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Jeralt said worried as he had his lance ready to defend his daughter and looked over to her after Florencio stepped out of the way.

Why did Sandy have an iron skillet instead of her daggers? His daughter usually tied her hair into two braids before she went to bed but right now it was a complete mess. The girls were just so tired from yesterday's brutal training with Hana that she just went to sleep like that. Her brown colored hair that faded for teal had grown so much longer that it spilled a bit on the floor. Looks like she needs to cut it.... again. Bloody hell, it grew longer again.

"I'm...alright...everyone....." she muttered quietly through her hair since it was also lose over her face, she had her hair down, basically looking like the grudge at the moment.

"What was that?! This is the 3rd time this month you have woken up screaming like someone killing you!!!" Her friend, a Duscur girl with shoulder length pink silver hair, gray colored eyes, and was currently wearing a sleeveless shirt and pajama shorts, said as she placed her left hand on her waist and lowered the kitchen knife she got a hold of running to her room.

"You're going to see Elder Bara!!! I'm sure she can help you out!!" Her second friend with dark blue hair tied in side ponytail, antenna like feathers on her head, and wore a black t-shirt and pajama pants said as she placed down the bat she had on the table.

She sighs and groans into her hands as her father walked up to her and gently moved her hair out of her face, revealing tried brown colored eyes that faded to green.

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