Chapter 15: Travel Winds Part 2: Encounters

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If there was anything Alexandra hated in the world, it was people who looked down on others. True hatred is what existed in her heart. She wasn't like Amir, despite seeing her entire family massacred, had no desire for revenge because it went against her beliefs of forgiveness and the Gods that blessed her family. She wasn't like Arisa, who, despite at times was unpredictable, held no scorn nor anger towards anyone. No, she wasn't like any of them. Alexandra held a deep, deep hatred in her heart against those that abused their power. There was still unfilled craving to kill everything in her sight, but she knew that feeling was mostly coming from Cirina, the Ice queen, she calls her. She had developed strange habits because of her other half's influence. She had this nack of liking cold sweets, twirling a strand of her hair, what's more, the strange feature of her Crest that makes her become hostile to those with a specific Crest. When she first met Florencio and Sandy, even Jeralt, she had grown a mutual hostile towards them. That was because those three possessed the Crest of Serios. Rensen explained to them that this feature usually manifested in one specific female barer. Only the female that possess the major Crest of Aubin shows hostility while males can lose control of their emotions. What was more mysterious that the Crest hold the conscious of Cirina, the original bearer of the Crest and the major Crest only manifests it. There are 5 levels of hostility.

Crest of Cethleann: level 1: Go away

Crest of Serios: Level 2: Go away or I'll punch you.

Crest of Cichol: Level 3: I want to hurt you.

Crest of Gautier: Level 4: I'll RIP your throat out

Crest of Riegan: Level: Downright wants/will to murder them.

No one through the years has figured out why the Crest makes their barer show such hostility. Some say it is an ancient grudge that has been passed down through generations. Others say it is the will of Cirina, who was one of the 12 Elites who chose neither side of Serios or Nemesis. Only the consciousness of Cirina knows the truth.

This is the story of how the schemer met the snow princess.

- 2 months Later: Harpstring Moon: May: Derdriu -


Excitement was all Alexandra felt as she stared out to the entire city port from high above the clouds, thanks to her new spell to create wings of ice to fly. Buildings, factories, rich with port to trade. The port city is home to numerous factories and prospers thanks to its ability to produce goods and export them by sea. Alexandra couldn't help but call this heaven for herself. She could see many people walking through the bustling port. A few unknown here and there. She could see the ocean as clear as day. The beautiful sight of blue made her skin tingle with excitement and want to dive straight into the ocean water to swim. Explore coral reefs and play with the sea creatures.


She turned to her right and saw her two friends fly up to see if she was alright. They were riding Red Hare. Arisa and Amir gasped at the amazing view of the place.

"It's beautiful...." the three girls muttered together and then giggled.

"So, ready for some fun?" Arisa said and the other two gave a thumbs up.

"I'm excited to see if I can get a new deal on some gems!!! Ooohhh!!! Anna said that Derdui specializes in emeralds!! Slurp......just imagining getting my hands on them...making more cute jewelry....." Amir wiped the drool from her lips with her sleeves.

Arisa along with Alexandra, shuttered at their friend's obsession with jewelry. So... past two years. Remember, that it was Sandy who took Amir in? Well, you know what that meant. Sandy's obsession with cute and fluffy things rubbed off onto Amir but thankfully it wasn't clothing. But rather, jewelry. You see, Amir has only ever had one set of jewelry, which is her earrings from Duscur. So, when Sandy showed her collection of jewelry, she hordes away, Amir became interested. This eventually led to the girl trying to make her own jewelry because none of the ones Sandy had caught her interest. So, what began it all?

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