Chapter 24: Class:Professor

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- Dream/Vision: ?????? -

"I'm not always going to be around. Who knows? I might get blasted off a cliff and be put in a comatose state for five years."

With a list of names in her hands and doing everything in her power not to giggle belly, the woman joked a bit of what she knew was going to happen to her in the future. Unfortunately, as much as she wished she could stop it, the river of time prevents her from doing it. Her students chuckled while her spirit friend rolled her eyes. The woman sighed and turned to her class of 30 students, all of them from all three houses. This special classroom was built to house up to 200 students. It was like her former classroom in the Magic Academy. The banners of the three houses hung proudly in the ceiling along with the banner of the Church of Serios. Her fellow professors and friends stood nearby as she had spoken to them days prior to her plan. Truth be told, Lady Rhea thought it was a bold plan and wanted to see how things turned out.

"So, for the next month till the day of the actual Battle of The Eagle and Lion, we'll be doing practice mock battles." She said and the students began to talk to each other, and her fellow professors told them to quiet down.

She really was trying not to smile because it would give away her intentions. Many of her students would probably secretly call her a bitch (Students: Why would you think of us like that?!) for doing this to them. But fear not!! For this plan of hers is to FORCE all of them to adapt rapidly.

"I spoke with your professors and I also spoke with the Archbishop. Lady Rhea has granted us permission and, she also seems interested in the idea. Now, there will be a twist to these practice mock battles." She said and many raised an eyebrow except her fellow professors.

Her friends all were smirking, and many students were slightly unsettled by it. Edelgard, Hilda, and Annette felt they were walking straight into a lava pit as Amir's smirk was turning more terrifying by the second while Alexandra's feathers were twitching with glee. The lance users, Dimitri, Sylvain, and Ferdinand were all feeling shivers go down their spines at Alexandra's flowery atmosphere. Cirina was cackling evilly as she rubbed her hands together. She was looking forward to seeing the descendants of the 10 Elites suffer.

"All of you say goodbye to your fellow house members because none of you will be fighting for your respected house." She sang with a cheerful smile as she saw the wave of emotions that befell on each student once they processed her words.

"SAY WHAT?!" All the students yelled out and her friends all had smirks on their faces.

"Claude, Sylvain, Hubert!!" She yelled out and the three boys she called out walked forward, "You three are the best tacticians of your Houses. We're putting it to the test." She said and turned to her fellow professor, Manuela.

The older woman nodded and spoke as she took a step forward and smiled. Ahhh!! Finally, she could relax and drink peacefully for a while!!

"All of you will be mixed up into three different groups. And for each group, one of these boys will be leading you." She said and many began protesting and what was the purpose of this till professor Hanneman spoke.

"The main purpose of this is to see how well you can adapt to change. Especially tacticians." He said as he saw the face of betrayal from Lysithea.

"Come on Teach!!" Claude said to her, "You're seriously doing this to us?!" He said.

"Professor, I'm not a tactician. I'm not good at things like this." Sylvain said and she crossed her arms.

"Really now?" She smiled and the entire class flinched except the professors, "Don't take me for a fool Sylvain. I know how hard you study in magic and," she pulled out a pile of papers and placed them on the desk, their score showing a 100% on each of them, "How high you score in the tactics test. You're at the exact same level as Claude and Hubert." She said and the Blue Lions all looked at Sylvain in shock.

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