Chapter 3: Snowy Blue: Part 1: Seeking Snow

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"So, what exactly do we know about this.....Holy Kingdom of Faerghus? Any information from those books of yours?" Sothis said as she laid on the bed.

It was now early in the morning. The two had decided to go to sleep that night instead so they could have a better and refreshed mind for planning. Arisa smiled and fixed her imaginary glasses and pointed to the book she had opened. The page she went to was in the middle of the book, where it showed the map of Faerghus. "Mountain terrain, slopes, snow, rugged land that is barren very difficult to survive in. In a way, it's almost like Alaska (Sothis: Al-laaaka??). The people had to learn to adapt and survive in the harsh cold environment." She said.

Sothis hummed and then placed her finger on a star that was on the map.

"What does this star mean?" She asked.

"That is where the city capital and the place is, Fhiriad. Incredible isn't it? And if you look closely, that opening is where the river connects to the sea. It makes it an amazing area for importing goods from the sea. Like the Aquatic Capital of the Leicester Alliance." Arisa explains as she Sothis eyes travel over the map.

The goddess smiled at this.

"Blaiddyd, Fraldarius, Gautier, and the names continue, are these ways also to mark certain territories of The Kingdom?" She asked.

"In a way, yes. But the names are used to show what land belongs to what house. They are the ones that bare Crest." Arisa said.

"Crest.....crest... it sounds familiar. Yet I cannot remember where such words I have heard. Hm... there is still much to learn should I ever recover my memories." Sothis said as she sat up and crossed her arms.

Arisa nodded and pointed to Fhiriad.

"This is where we are most likely heading to. There is a possibility that we may go to another house territories but since this letter was requested by the king himself. We'll also probably go through a town. They'll be making multiple stops on the way to restock on supplies." She said as walked over to the window and grabbed the stool.

She used it to climb up, open her window and looked out. Sothis followed and looked.

"The six men and women we saw are part of the mercenary team that takes care of the jobs in Fodlan. Dad's ace team. Also, specifically, the men are Florencio's team and the women are part of Sandy's. Those two especially. Are the generals of this company and my father, the leader." She said seriously.

Sothis nodded.

"Morning Byleth!!"

One of the women yelled out as she was carrying a few boxes towards one of the wagons.

"Morning Ili!!" Arisa yelled out.

"One of the ladies in Sandy's team?" Sothis said.

"Yup." Arisa said as she looked back to the wagons.

"Let us map out all three wagons. What is in each of them, which one is the most secure for us to sneak in." She smirked as she got down and headed out, but not before grabbing a loaf of bread with honey on it.

It was Sandy's, so she took advantage and grabbed it while the woman had her back turned as she was cooking more food. The best part is that Arisa used her "silent run" technique so she wouldn't make any noise.


"Teheh!!"Arisa and Sothis giggled mischievously as they ran out the door and towards the wagons.

"Hyaaa!!!" They heard a bit of yelling and grunting and spotted a couple of the men training.

"Focus!!!" Florencio yelled as he watched two of his men sparing.

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