Chapter 35:White Clouds: Part 1:Reunion at Dawn

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- 4 Years Later: Lone Moon: March 16th: 1180 -

"Siiighhhhhhh........Down the road we go~ To hell we go." How many years has it been since going to a place he wasn't exactly sure he would be welcomed; let alone also he was an outsider?

How many years has it been since that day he witnessed something he should have not seen? How many years has it been since he has spoken to these three? The three that treated him like an equal. The three that saw him for who he is? The three......that did not hate him.

"Cut it out Claude........I'm not excited either...." he heard the timid voice of his retainer and looked over to the young girl with dark black hair cut a bit short, brown colored eyes, she wore a checkered pattern shirt with the mid chest opened.

On her right arm she wore armor to protect, she wore dark green baggy pants, brown boots that looked like they were strapped on. On her head, she wore a gold chain with a feather with green tips. He himself has grown much over the years also. He was much taller, his hair had become spikier and there was no denying it, his list of schemes has grown!!! But he had a different purpose for why he was going to the Academy.

"Now Noire," he gave the girl a small smile, "I'm only joking. Besides, I think you'll like it. Somehow I feel you and Bernadetta will get along." He said and the girl shook her head.

"I feel and I know we were both forced to go to the Academy!!! Why did mother have to make me go?!" She wept and Claude felt like jumping out of the wagon, till he noticed a certain talisman in her purse.

"Didn't your mother say not to bring that thing with you?" He said and the girl scrambled to hide it deeper in her purse.

The boy sighs as he looked out the carriage window, the view of the forest and mountains always brought him a sense of serenity to him. Oh goddess, help him. He investigated his bag and pulled out his book he brought, The Adventures of Sinbad. He couldn't help but let a small smile come on his lips as he opened it to the first page. There clipped on, was a picture of his childhood days. The girl Arisa with a big grin with what she calls a peace sign, Amir with a smug grin as she held her axe proudly in the air, his arm slung over Alexandra's shoulder with a cheeky grin, the girl who had wide eyes, her ears red, her feather fluttering rapidly as Falco looked like he was hissing at him.

"I have never seen you with such a tender smile." His train of thought was broken as he heard Noire's voice.

"What do you mean?" He quickly put back on his smile and she looked at him sadly.

"Well....I know it's not my place to say this, but your smile never reaches your eyes. It's like you put on a mask...." the girl said timidly.

Claude's smile remains but it disappeared with confusion as the two looked out, hearing giggling.

"Haha. It's a couple of ariels and woolly bugs." He said as they saw the group of fae flying around in the grassy fields, "By the way, when we get to the Academy, you might want to make a run to your room. Hilda has a new dress she wants you to try." He couldn't help but snicker as he saw dread befall the archer.

--- At the Academy-

"Can you believe it!!! Twin leaders!!! Aahhhh!! The fact that you and I have been made twin leaders?!" Dressed in her blue Officer Academy uniform that was the same as her older brothers but made for a female, Lestia spun around happily next to her brother's bed.

Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, showing how curly it was, her bangs covered her forehead and stopped just a bit below her eyebrows. She wore blue gems ears as she stopped when she felt a small nudge on her thigh, seeing it was Hessian, who was grown teen wolf, but he was huge!!

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