Chapter 11: Dual-Ego: Part 1: Girl of Sorrow

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- Imperial Year 1162: Ymir 2 years Old -

"Papa, papa!!!" With her pink pastel orange hair tied in two pigtails, the girl ran happily into her father's workshop.

The smell of iron, metals, filled her nostrils and it was a scent she liked. The sounds of hammers banging down on molten hot metal as it was being shaped to something new. Different tools hung around the walls; each one had a role. The girl grinned as she moved swiftly in the overalls she wore with a plain red shirt. She had snuck into town to see her father work. Though he was a noble and didn't need to, he still loved working with the townsfolk and loved helping around. Especially in the blacksmith two shops away from a bookstore her uncle owned. Many of the shop workers smiled as they saw the girl pick up a hammer and run to man with dark spiky blue hair and goatee, wore black overalls with a blue shirt and thick black boots. He currently was wearing his reading glasses as he was writing down measurements on a piece of paper.

"Papa!!" He turned to the direction if the familiar voice and...

"OOOOFFF!!!" She rammed her head at his stomach, knocking the air out of him.

Many laughed at the sight as the man held his stomach and laughed a bit.

"Morning [-----------]!!! Snuck out of the house again?" Her father said and the girl grinned.

"Yup!!! Mama is busy today so I'm staying here!" She stated proudly as she showed the hammer in her hand.

"Hmm," he picked her up and sat her on one of the benches, "I don't think you're ready for making a dagger just yet. But," he picked up a brick size block of wood and handed it to her, "Why not practice carving first? I promise when you're older, I'll teach you how to use the forgery. Alright?" He said and she pouted.

Her gray eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms.

"But I want to learn now!!! I want to use a scythe like you do papa!!" She said.

Her father laughed a bit nervously hearing this as he lightly touched the strange necklace on his neck. He sighed and bent down a bit, patting her head.

"I know my little Snowflake, but you have to understand my scythe isn't exactly easy to use." He said as she showed her his necklace.

"When you're older, I'll teach you how to use it. And one day, this relic will belong to you. Until then, you got to start slowly. One step at a time. Like that saying, slow and steady wins the race." He said and she sighed.

"Yes papa...I'll take my time." She said.

"Good. Now go visit your Uncle Rensen. He got a new collection of books about how to use a lance." He said and her eyes sparkled.

"Okay!! And take care of Papa!!" She said and waved goodbye as she ran out of the shop.

The man could not help but smile as he saw his daughter run but it suddenly turned to a frown as he heard one his workers cough violently.

"Careful there." He quickly ran over to them and helped them sit down.

One of the other workers brought water.

"Boss, the plague is spreading. Thankfully it hasn't affected us here in town but others around Faerghus is a different story." The worker said and he sighed.

"I know....and I don't have much time either. Considering how my wife and I aren't getting along lately." He said.

- Present Time: Imperial Year 1167: June -

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