Chapter 19: Back Home: Part 2: Breakthroughs

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- 1 month later: Wyvern Moon: October -

Getting through the forest? Easy!

Taking on bandits? No problem!!!

Hunting? Well, still working out but no problem.

But dealing with a tantrum of a noble child?

"Ooohhhhh....Sothis help me before I unleash my viper tongue on this kid!!" Arisa was biting down on her index finger as her father was helping the Alliance knights guarding the carriage of the Nobles of House Gloucester, fix the wooden wheel that broke off.

Well, two of them. Her father decided to take on a job of guarding a noble carriage since they were heading the same way as them, a village near Leonie's home. So, right now, the 8-year-old boy with the Oh so familiar terrible haircut that is colored purple, was throwing a tantrum, demanding to know what on earth happened. That boy was Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. Sothis was gently hugging the girl, telling her take deep breaths while Amir and Alexandra were being held back by the twins and Hana, plus their mouths covered, from snapping in half Lorenz. While the mercenary adults and the Knights ignored the boy, Lorenz's father along with his mother, who was a sweetheart and gave them all an apologetic smile, waited quietly outside. Worst of all, it was raining, and Florencio was using a barrier to protect them from the rain since umbrellas don't exist in this time. Arisa made a note to herself to make at least a Japanese style bamboo umbrella when they return to Remire Village.

"Breath, breath!!" Sothis said but even Arisa could tell that she wanted to snap at the boy.

"My patience with children like very thin!!" Arisa internally raged as Lornez stomped his feet.

Heck, even Feh, Falco, Puka, Nuke and Red Hare looked ready to mow down the kid.

"Why on earth is this taking so long?! Father, can we not have them go any faster?" Lorenz said to his father while Count Gloucester also let go of a frustrated sigh.

He was going to be late to the meeting. Arisa growled as she turned to walk towards a tree that wasn't too far and began unleashing punches on it along with kicks.

"Hyaaa!! Ha!!! Chaaa!!" She yelled out as she decided to practice her martial arts to at least unleash her anger in some form than her punches on the poor tree.

Seems that caught the attention of a few people. The knights were impressed by her skills and gracefulness while a couple others understood why the girl was doing it.

"Arisa!!" She turned and quickly jumped back at Amir's incoming wooden axe and caught it.

Amir smirked a long with Alexandra, who held her wooden lance for sparring.

"It's raining so might as well spar. After all, we're mercenaries. Got to get used to all kinds of weather." Alexandra grinned and the three girls got into a three-way sparring match. Hana, the twins and Florencio let go a sigh of relief. Lorenz stared at the three girls that were sparring. Somehow, he felt.....unnerved yet amazed. The girls all moved with grace yet there was also a fierceness in their movement.

"Father, what do you think of their sparring match?" He suddenly asked.

His mother raised an eyebrow while his father scoffed.

"I must admit, even if they are just sparring, their skills are impressive for children the same age as you. Hmm......" Count Gloucester said and Lorenz nodded.

"May to them...?" Lorenz asked a bit nervously since his father wasn't exactly fond of commoners.

Count Gloucester raised an eyebrow at the question his son had asked while he looked over to girls. He let go of a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. It has been awhile since his son had to talk to someone his age.

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