Chapter 32: Aftermath: Results of Change

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[Authors Note: Okay so there was some confusion on the previous chapter. Arisa only has HALF of the Sword of the Creator(see chapter 17) and has it welded into her rapier. But she still called it The Sword of the Creator because it's easier to remember. But most of the time she just calls it a rapier. It did manage to keep some of Arisa's sanity intact, that's why she was barely able to speak with Dimitri. ]


"Sing with me a song...of birthright and love.....conquest and fate....silence and blood..."




"Ah....I know this feeling...." she muttered softly as the heavy feeling from her eyelids began to go away ever so slightly.

This gentle feeling, she felt a long time ago but she does not remember when. Such a feeling almost as if a fleeting dream. The fall made her feel light as a feather and she knew she was safe. She didn't feel this fall was dangerous. Yet the feeling of the back of her mind was there. She felt she forgot something but what?




Slowly she fell and slowly yet gently her feet touched something wet. Her eyes began to open as she looked around. It was the haunting lake from her dreams, yet the water was not black like boiled blood. Quite the opposite, it was clear. Pure clear crystal blue water as movements created small ripples on the surface. She could hear very faint singing as she looked around. Honestly, confusion is what filled her face as she began to walk. The song that she heard sounded familiar, yet she couldn't put her finger quite to it. She felt gentle hands hold her own, she turned, she was dancing with someone. The music became softer and more majestic. She hummed softly and wanted to look around yet.

"Focus. Do not break contact. Concentrate." The voice sounded familiar.

Childish, haughty, yet stern and wise. The song repeated, yet different this time. The figure in front of her changed to that of male, whose face was a blur, yet she could tell they were looking at her with tender eyes. Again, the two danced slowly and gently. This person was being gentle, as if she would shatter in his arms.

"Who are you?" She asked and they shook their head, gently kissing her forehead, whispers in her ear yet she could not understand it.

She felt safe. Happy even. Someone or many wanted her to be safe.

Day after day, the same dream would repeat itself again. The familiar songs, the familiar childish voice. The beautiful lake. Yet each time she danced, it was always the same person with the childish voice, telling her to focus, and then it was a new person present. It was sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, and at times she could not tell if it was a man or a woman.

"Focus. Do not break contact. Concentrate." It was always those same words when the dream repeated itself.

She did not mind. She kept singing. Humming to the songs. This felt real yet not. The lake never turned muddy again. She wondered why. But she knows she is forgetting something but what.

"Focus. Do not break contact. Concentrate." They repeated and she nodded. The blue waters of the crystal-clear lake would wrap around her body like a warm blanket, healing her.

The dream repeats once more.


"What on earth........?" Emily could barely process everything as she was examining the young girl in her clinic.

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