Paralogue 3: Part 1: A Snake's Thoughts

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[Part 1 to The Sleeping Sand Legend]

How could she let this happen? Alexandra Xiang Aubin was somehow, well, now in Derdui with none other than.....

"Hey, aren't you going to eat?"

This happened. Okay, so she was sneaking out around a few days ago after fully interrogating those men from the Western Church. Getting the information, she wanted, and literally had an entire case built from the knowledge she was going to use against Rhea, yeah. But learning what she wanted was not so easy. Two of the men literally spilled everything. Shamir was practically bored and yawning but wrote down everything that was said. Bless her. The other man was a complete bastard that she literally used magic to make him spill everything. Of course, not torture (Part of Shamir wanted to see it happened) but a different method that Cirina taught her that the pale woman would use in the old days. It was taught to her by Hades before he left for Almyra. Anyhow, Shamir asked if Alexandra was going to use her whip. Said girl shook her head rapidly.

"I'm not into BDSM!" Alexandra screeched.

"What's BDSM??" Shamir asked, curious and unfortunately that opened the forbidden door that Alexandra did everything in her power to avoid talking about.

Shamir was going to hunt her down to the answers.


"I can't believe this...." she muttered as she picked up her cup of iced coffee and began drinking it.

"Hey. You did this to yourself after I caught you trying to fly off with Zarha. Worst of all, your clothing was literally a sin." Claude smirked as he took a bit of his applied pie.

"Oh, come on!! Fodlan is too hot during summer!!" She sighs as she was now dressed in her usual clothing.

Let us go back to 5 days ago.

- Blue Sea Moon: July 28th -


"What's with the exasperated sigh?" Cirina grumbled as she walked normally beside the blue haired girl who was dressed in her usual clothing.

Alexandra was slouching as she walked (dragged) herself down the pathway of the entrance to the monastery to go get herself some breakfast. She was tried from the interrogation and finished last night. She turned in the documents to Seteth's office and left. She really did not want to deal with his wrath.

"By the way," Cirina spoke as she looked over to her dryly, "Rhea was looking over the case with Seteth, Catherine and Shamir, not to also mention the council, it was livid!!! Hahahahah!!! Boy, she was pissed when Shamir read out everything you gathered, and the council made the verdict that those three mages would be sentenced to 50 years in the dungeons!!! Hahahaha!!! She was pissed!! Pissed, I tell you!!! Shamir had to hide her smirk through the whole trial!!! Catherine was just in complete shock!!! Haha!! By the way, I recommend not being here for a few days because I am pretty sure the minute her or Seteth make eye contact with you, they will come after your head." Cirina giggled and Alexandra just groans.

Her feathers slouched then began twitching as she recognized a familiar voice once she made a turn around the corner of the hallways.

"Is that......?" Her eyes widened when they landed on the two adults that were talking to Chris, Arisa and the four lords.

A man with wavy dark blue hair and eyes and an upside-down U mustache, wearing dark blue clothing of the Kingdom, despite now looking older, she recognized him. And of course, she will always recognize the woman with a proud aura. She slowly walked up hearing their conversation. Judith and Rodrigue introducing themselves, both the twins and Claude surprised that they arrived. It was not till Arisa noticed her.

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