Chapter 43: Bloody Mist: Part 3: Judgement

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- Dream: 1000 years Ago -

"This keeps trying to reject me. Unbelievable. Despite being rendered nothing but bones, weapon to destroy your own kind, that small will of yours is still there."

He was dressed in a dark green cloak that covered his mage clothing of a warlock, a dark green colored it was as he wore the mask of a plague doctor. Long dark colored green ash hair tied in a high up ponytail as he held the bone like scythe in his hand. The Crest stone at its beard crackled with blue energy like lightning. Even if he held it, he felt no pain from the artificial arm he had. The scythe kept rejecting him, inflicting its anger of the fallen soul onto him. He chuckled as he heard a hiss and turned to look over at the woman a few feet from him. She stood on top of an adult Sand Crawler as she held a tome in her hand with the same symbol of the Crest of Aubin. The woman grunted as she put a barrier around the damn thing and turned to him with a blank face.

"I did not think my old student would be causing this much pain despite being now a pile of ashes." The pale woman said as she looked on ahead, her eyes narrowed as she saw the army of Lejare on its way but...

"What on earth?" The woman hissed as she and Odesse were looking at the impossible right now.

"She should not be able to transform to a beast!!" Odesse said as his eyes landed on the one leading the army.

Cirina was dressed in her usual clothing but this time...

"I came to take back what is mine." Her voice was cold as she flapped 4 dark blue wings that seemed as if they were made of ice.

Her hair had turned to a pale sickly blue, she had two horns that grew on her forehead as if they were trees made of ice. Her arms and neck covered in blue scales that looked like gems, as well her tail looked like it was made of feathers. Odesse smirked as he readied his weapon and twirled it.

"Is this what you want Daughter of Aubin!!?" He yelled out as he slammed the butt of the scythe onto the ground.

He saw Cirina's anger flare once her eyes landed on it as well as the book in the hands of the pale woman, Anacharsis. Cirina growled but quickly took a deep breath, glared as she pointed her lance.

Her generals, Ui, Vernata, Hades and Bladr, readied their weapons as the rest of the army. The Agarthans began to quickly take their positions as Odesse raised his weapon.

"CCCCHHHHHHHARRRRGGGGGEEE!!" Cirina roared and her army let out their war cry.

"KILL THEM ALL!!" Anacharsis yelled and the two armies charged at one another.

The bloodiest of battles begins.

- End of Dream -

She slowly fluttered her eyes open as she sat atop a tree, silent as she looked down and saw the boys talking to one another as well as Ashe cooking some food. She smiled softly and turned to see Cirina floating around, observing the prince as well as the green eye boy. It seems the pale woman has taken a liking to Ashe because she kept messing with his hair and Ashe kept asking himself why it was messy despite how many times, he fixed it. It's been three days since they left the monastery and unfortunately Sandy could only take them halfway. She looked back down and smiled a bit. Alexandra could not help but chuckle at this and wondered about the dream. She knew it was another one of Cirina's memories but Sothis comment made question something.

"Does she have all of her memories?"

That was the thing. Cirina did not have all her memories. So, it could be possible that Cirina does not have the whole truth of what happened in the past? What if Reigan did not betray her? What if the two were set up? From the blurry memories she has, Reigan seemed like a kind person despite being a thief, not to also mention didn't he help kill the Nabateans? She shook her head. She let go of a frustrated sigh. She began to search through her old memories of this "past life" of hers. Honestly, Alexandra started having these strange dreams from a different place. Some were horrid ones while others were filled with happy memories. She was still coming to terms with it, but she prefers to be called Alexandra than her "past name". She searched her mind and found what she was looking for and took out her journal, starting to write it down.

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