Chapter 25: Flicker: Part 1: The First Crack

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- Dream: ????? -

"No, no, no!!!"

Her screams pierced the heavens with uncontrollable sorrow as she ran back to Zanado with her husband and the rest of the survivors. Her sorrow and shock only heightened at a new level when they all came across the body of her beloved sister in law, hunched over, with a forever closed eye smile on her lips, yet that smile also showed that blood seeped through it. She fell to her knees, the place she once called home, was nothing but a blood-stained canyon. The place covered in the crimson red of blood. Her sister in law's body was penetrated by swords and arrows, yet her heart was missing. Ripped out.

"Oh Noa....." she wept as she walked to the body.



Her eyes instantly went wide as she noticed that Noa was...

"SERIOS!!!" She screamed in shock as she noticed a young 15-year-old girl underneath Noa's body.

Now she understood. Noa shielded the girl, even if it meant her death. She carefully moved Noa's body, revealing a young girl with straight mint green hair and eyes, her clothing was bloody yet, the girl sat still in shock, her eyes widened. She could barely speak. She could barely move. She cried as she hugged the young girl to her chest, knowing her pain.

"We found another survivor!!" She heard her husband yell out as she quickly picked up the girl in her arms and ran towards the tower where once the Progenitor God slept.

"Macuil!!" She cried out and her husband's eyes went wide as he saw the young girl in her arms.

"Serios survived!! Who else!!?" The woman said as she had the girl to her chest.

"Cirina.....the girl is.....beyond shelled shocked." Macuil said as she looked over to see Cichol looking down at the girl with deep blue hair and green eyes. She had little feather like antennas on her head, yet, the girl looked like a doll. No emotions in her eyes as she looked down at what seemed to be a pile of ashes in front of her.

"Daddy....mommy....." the 5 year old muttered as her eyes just stared at the pile of ashes.

"Cirina!!" The woman turned as she saw Indech run up to the girl and hug her quickly to his arms.

"Is Cethleann safe?" Cichol asked and Indech nodded.

"She is. She's under Titania's care." Indech said as picked up the girl but got punched in the face by her.

She scrambled back quickly to the ashes and tried to hug them to her chest. Tears finally began to fall from her eyes as her mind was forced back to reality.

"I'm not leaving mommy!!! I'm not leaving mommy!! They took daddy!! They took daddy!! I can't leave Mommy!!" The girl screamed as she kept trying to pick up the ashes.

"Oh no......" the older woman wept as she realized what the young girl's mother did.

She burned herself to ashes to keep Nemesis's men from taking her away and protecting her daughter. But Aubin.....he....

"Please Cirina!! Calm down!!" Indech said as he tried to pull his niece away but....

"LET ME GOOOOOOOOO!!!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs, and everyone barely escaped the wave of ice that came at them, the symbol of Aubin's power manifested in the air, as the girl wept loudly as she hugged the ashes of her mother to her chest.

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