Chapter 13: Autumn Winds: Souls of Resting

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- 2 weeks later After the fire: Verdant Moon: August: Kingdom Capital -

"Did you hear? Lady Ymir is gone..."

"To think the fire also burned her face also."

"Hush!!! Respect the woes of a mother who lost her child!!"

"You sure? You know there's a rumor that she was involved in the death of Lord Alexander."


Every single whisper irritated her. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the gravestone with etched letters and covered in white lilies. Her black feathered dress was still fancy, but her face held another story. The left side of her face was covered by a white mask that hid the sacred flesh of burned skin. She was doing everything in her power not to murder the nobles who dare whisper rumors of her. She held her staff more tightly as she stared down at the gravestone. It was a foggy rainy day. Many were present at Ymir's funeral. The children were crying especially. Sylvain and Glenn hugged their friends tightly as they wept in their arms. Lestia and Dimitri cried on Zach's shoulder while their father hugged them. Cornelia hated this. She felt absolutely humiliated. As the Bishop began the holy mass, Cornelia pretended to weep for the loss of her daughter. She was quite the actress. The usually holy songs were sung, which disgusted the woman more than anything, but she bared with it. As the songs finished and they final prayers said, Cornelia could only be silent as she sat on a bench not too far.

"Cornelia, I give you my condolences." She looked up and saw King Lambert offer her a small smile.

"Thank you....sigh....first my husband now my daughter.....why...?" The woman muttered monotonically.

King Lambert could do nothing but offer his condolences to the weeping woman. Not too far, Sylvian could only stare along with Zander.

"Hey two." They turned and saw Glenn wave at them to follow him.

The two boys looked at each other and excused themselves from their friends as they went to the empty guest room to talk. Glenn made sure to lock the door and turned to them.

"I'm going to be the first to say it. I'm suspecting foul play." Glenn said and both Sylvian and Zander let go sighs of relief.

"I knew I wasn't the only one. Lady Cornelia looks far too calm for the death of Alexandra." Sylvian said as he crossed his arms.

Zander nodded in agreement.

" of the sad things is that our siblings think her name is Ymir when it isn't. What's more....." Zander narrowed his eyes as he pointed to his right eye, "The woman is shedding tears of a snake. I have been around enough fake females to know real tears from fake ones. And I know for a fact that Alex was never close to her." He said.

Sylvian agreed and turned to Glenn.

"Is there anyone we can talk to? Our parents definitely not. We'll get our buts kicked if we even say that to them." He said.

Glenn was silent for a moment as he thought.

"What about Emily?" He said and Zander instantly shook his head.

"No way!!!! Of all the people you had to say her?!" He said.

"In her defense, her and Cornelia absolutely detest each other. Not to mention she's older than us by 4 years. Also, as a bonus, is one of the five most prestigious doctors of all of Fodlan." Glenn said.

"Yeah but also the bitchy-est one." Sylvian said.

"Rude." Zander said and the boy just shrugged his shoulders.

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