Chapter 16: Twilight: Crest of The Hanged Man

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The goddess gifted certain individuals with sacred blood, allowing them to wield mystical weapons, that they may prevail against the darkness. These souls buoyed by their divine gifts, conquered the evil ones and drove them back to the north. They came to be known as Heroes. The Heroes experience unnaturally long lives, persisting for hundreds of years. Even after they breathe their last, the power coursing through their blood remained, leaving an indelible mark upon this world. This power, passed down through bloodlines, came to be known as the Crest. The mystical weapons they once wield are now called Heroes' Relics. And so, the legend of a new age was born. The descendants of the Heroes sought their ancestor's power thusly their blood. In time, the Crest----------



Edward slammed his book shut and took a deeeeeeeeeppppp breath before he stood up and walked over to the open library door in the Reigan manner. How much he hated being disturb during his break and much more especially since it has been awhile since he has read The Book of Serios, Volume 2. He pushed the door open, low and behold, Claude was at it again. This time the boy was in the forbidden section of books.

"CLAAAAAAUUUDEEEE!!!" This time he was the one that broke the rules of silence in the library.

The boy flinched at the older man's furious voice and the librarian, Edward's friend, Gregory, groans into his pillow because the next fight of tactics was about to begin again. Gregory was a young man with silver colored hair with a red scarf wrapped around his head and red colored eyes. He wore the clothing of a warlock but the color black. He sighed as he saw where the boy was, the section of science. He couldn't help but chuckle as his friend stormed over to the boy, who was trapped under a pile of books. Edward glared down at the boy who chuckled nervously.

"How many times have I told you to use the ladder to get the books in the top shelves?! What's more, this area is forbidden!!!!! You aren't old enough for these books yet!! You're 3 years away from being able to access these!!" Edward roared and Gregory laughed.

"Come on Ed," the man smirked as he rested his head on his pillow, "Let the kid have some fun. It's not every day kids want to learn things like these. Especially since it's looked down upon by the Church." He said and Edward's glare turned to him.

"And why didn't you stop him?!!? I'll be in serious trouble if his grandfather sees him here!!" He said back and Gregory rolled his eyes.

"Yesh, and I thought Emily had anger issues." Gregory said and Edward scoffs.

"Don't compare me to that cocky woman!!! But speaking of her...I heard of an epidemic going on in the Kingdom?" He said.

"Haahahaha!!!! My friend, if you were there, you should have seen the blow on her pride!!! A woman by the name Kiana Kalsana was the one to discover a new medication and saved the people of Galatea territory!! All Emily did was help produce the medicine!" Gregory said.

"Someone finally outdid her?! THANK THE GODDESS!!! MY PRAYERS ANSWERED!!" Edward fell to his knees dramatically, with arms in the air as if holy light was over him.

"Ummmm...." Claude was forgotten and decided to take this opportunity to quickly change the subject of him sneaking into the forbidden section.

"Gregory, who's Emily?" He asked.

"Oh, that's right!! Well, might as well tell you little star. There are 5 high ranking mages in all Fodlan that have ever passed the impossible medical exams of the Church of Serios. They gain the titles of Holy Magus and have the power to become court mages should they desire, access to all medical archives in all of Fodlan including royal ones, access to the forbidden section in the library of Officers Academy and monastery, and to prove their power, are bestowed a special card with the official seal of the Church of Serios. Because of this, nobles from all Fodlan begin to offer deals to these doctors to join their country. One of them is part of Empire. Emily and another one is part of the Kingdom, Edward here of the Alliance and another one by the name of Doctor Lilac is a freelance doctor that travels all around Fodlan. No one knows his real location." Gregory explains and Claude nodded.

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