Paralogue 1: Part 1: The Shadow and The Innocent

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With burned skin, the scent of iron, the look of horror as she felt the once smooth hands hold her shoulders. A sad yet proud smile looked at her full of love as they handed her rust covered sword. The scent of burning flesh filled the air, the scent of ashes and cinders. Burned bodies everywhere she looked. 

" on......." 


Her eyes snapped open as she laid still on her bed, looking at the ceiling in shock. She took several deep breaths to calm down her pounding heart. 
"5....4...3...2...1..." repeatedly said those numbers as she took those deep breaths.
Once she knew she was calm, she sat up and let her blanket fall of her. She always slept naked because it felt more comfortable and she could move much more freely if needed to. She stood up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Multiple scars, her body wrapped in bandages. The most recent one needed to be changed on clean. Her long black hair touched the floor and she grimaced a bit. 
"I need to cut it." She muttered as she walked over to her drawer and opened it, pulling out scissors. Taking them, she began to cut her hair, locks of black hair fell to the wooden floor, she made sure they fell in a certain pile because she will be selling it for a good amount of money. Her black hair was worth a lot more since it was that from someone from Almyra. A couple minutes passed and she was satisfied with how she cut it. Up to chest at most. It was a little crooked but she didn't care. She walked to her closet where her usual clothing of sleeveless black shirt, black tights with knee length shorts and a simple black cloak. She put her clothing one and combed her hair, her silver eyes never leaving the mirror. She picked up a small thin brush and dipped it in a small little jar of black paste, it was eyeliner. Using it to create her wings, she nodded once she was done, she grabbed her bag and left the room. 

Walking down the hallways, she looked at them blankly. The place they lived in wasn't the best but at least it was way better than living in a cave. She reached the stairs and climbed down, only to hiss as she heard a slightly feminine scream and turned to the owner.
"WRRRERYYYYY??!!?!!?" The owner of the scream had his arms his  exaggerated as he looked at her in sorrow in horror.
"Why did you cut your hair Sandy?!" With purple hair in a ponytail, dressed in a white lab coat, and a black shirt, khaki colored pants and black shoes, Sandy looked at Florencio with a blank face but rolled her eyes. 
"I needed a haircut. Don't cry Florencio. It's been a long time since I've cut. It was bound to happen." Sandy sighed as she looked over to her brother and friend, who was weeping. 
"But still!!!" He said. 
Once more, she groans but just shook her head.
"Anyhow, is breakfast ready? I'm heading out to the Red Canyon. Heard some rumors that there's some good products over there. Who knows? Might mug a noble or two and give the money to a few kids." She said as she walked to the table and sat down.
"You're an idiot. You really think there's treasures in that place? Well, maybe because the Church of Serios forbids people from going there." Florencio said as he placed down a plate of red rice, ham, and eggs, along with a cup of peppermint tea. 
She thanked him as he sat down and the two began to eat.
"Any jobs so far?" She asked and he nodded.
"Request to poison a lord in the kingdom, another from The Empire. Another from a town, and so on so forth. Seriously, the pay is pretty good but damn....I don't like this time one particular..." Florencio said as he handed her a black colored envelope.
She opened it and it was a request to kill a lord a Lord in the Kingdom near Blaiddyd territory but also...
"Even the children and wife......" She frowns and saw Florencio sigh.
"I did a bunch of digging and in truth, the man sending this request is a bigot because the wife of the Lord chose to marry him." He said and Sandy laughed.
"So jealously?! Haha!!! You know what to do Florencio. Expose the man for targeting the innocent." She smirked and he smiled back to her.
Sandy knew that smile far too well. Florencio may be a dastrad at times but he knows when to take the necessary steps to expose the corrupted nobles. He did research on the wife of the Lord also and turns out she was a commoner who the Lord and the client had fallen in love with. But the girl chose the Lord and not the client. The client was a also a Lord of the Kingdom and let hell break loose. 
"You know so well Sandy." Florencio smiled as he was handed back the letter. 
The two continued to eat as they discussed their plans on what to do. Sandy was more than happy with the plan Florencio. As the woman put on her cloak to leave, she strapped on her sword to her waist and left out the door.

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