Chapter 51: Bloody Grail: Part 5: Peace

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[ Part 2]

Sigh.........The fact that the battle against Pittacus and Aelfric came back to my mind after all these years honestly speaks volumes of how much not just me but everyone around me changed as the years went by. Arisa found peace, which I am honestly glad for. I didn't realize how bad her emotions had clashed with her back then. First off, I realized a bit too late that my sister died with many regrets when she passed on in our old world. Not even she realized it. When Arisa was alive on "Earth", she kept looking out the window. And no, I don't mean like seeing what people were doing. I mean she wanted to get out. Literally run away from the hospital even if it meant putting her life endangered. How do I know this? She later confessed to me about it. I was livid. But the only reason I didn't scold her about it was because Theresa had managed to talk her out of it. It was a secret the two kept with each other. She was suffering and kept bottling up with a smile. I hate to admit it but the old version of her reminded me of Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude back when they were in their academy days. It's also why she cared so much about when she was reborn to this world. She did not want them to suffer like she did. I was able to live my life to the fullest and was satified with my life when I reached my final years in our old home. Arisa on the other hand, did not.

Bloody hell. I swear, she's too kind at times. But at the same time, she can be selfish, even if she doesn't realize it. And I'm actually glad she was finally thinking about what she wanted for once. But back to the battle. The reason Aelfric and Pittacus nearly won was because they turned Arisa's emotions to weapons against not just her but against everyone. That battle deeply scared the students that night. I think the worst was Edelgard and Dimitri. Jeralt also. Even more, that a positive change happened. Something that should have happened a long time ago. Distrust was still there but eventually it changed to something good.

AH!! Shit I must end this short! If I don't get to the conference on time again, Edelgard and Heather are going to kick me to the moon!! Worst because Yuri and Claude have perfected the art of poisons. Sothis, save me.

Diary Entry: Imperial Year 1189: Great Tree Moon: April 2nd

- 10 Minutes before midnight-

"Urrghhh....where are we...?"

Hapi opened her eyes slowly as light came into her view. Constance and Balthus began to stir as they looked around. Yet, their eyes went to the person that stood in front of them, holding a sword in their hands.

"Finally, you're all awake. Good morning sleepyheads. Or is it a good evening?" Yuri says as Constance glares.

"Yuri!!! You scoundrel!!! You are unfit to speak to us, liar that you are!!" Constance hissed at him.

"Yeah, yeah, liar, blah-blah. Nothing I heard before." Yuri sighs.

"Look pal. Enough beating around the bush. What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?" Balthus growls.

Yuri began explaining that Aelfric was planning to react to the Rite of Rising and was preparing everything. That he was going to bring someone back to life by using the blood of the Five Apostles. That Saint Serios performed the ritual 995 years ago and because there wasn't enough blood, that something else was also missing. Aelfric discovered the documents about and no one knows what happened after that. Aelfric gathered the four of them, placing them directly under his supervision in the Ashen Wolf, so he ensured that the Rite of Rising would happen.

"You mean to say that he intends to drain our blood?! To kill us!! Such an act would be unforgivable!! And atrocity!! I cannot die in this wretched hovel!!" Constance yelled furiously.

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