Chapter 27:Muddled Sight: Part 1: Hated Topics

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Minor Update: Accidently confused the Judgment card with the Justice one. Sorry!! The correct meaning has been placed. Enjoy the story!! And thank you Banru for correcting me!!

With the scent of Bergamot tea filling her nostrils, Cornelia could not be more happier as she sat down taking a sip as she watched Lady Patricia offer some to the girl Kiana, who looked like a nervous wreck because she was actually invited by the queen herself to join their tea time, which was rare. Kiana's hands were visibly shaking as she kept her usual smile. It was obvious the girl was trying to compose herself.

"Relax dear," Patricia chuckled as Kiana nodded, but her hands were still shaking, "you look like you walked into a jungle." She said and the girl took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Lady Patricia. It's just.....I'm quite nervous since this is the first time I have been invited to such circle. I'm not very used to it." Kiana said as she managed to take a sip of her tea.

"It is alright." Lady Patricia smiled kindly as she sat back down, "Thank you once again for coming. I have been wanting to talk to you for quite some time, but I have been busy with work." Lady Patricia said as she took a sip of her own tea.

Arisa nodded as she took another sip and felt Cornelia watching her like a hawk. She needs to calm down.

"Breath. Relax." Sothis said softly as she hugged the girl like usual and Arisa felt her tense body relaxed.

Cornelia hid her frown barely as she saw the girl's body suddenly relax and become less tense.

"Tch." The older woman thought as Lady Patricia spoke.

"The reason I invited you is because I want to thank you for teaching my children and others." The queen smiled warmly, "I has been a long time since I saw my son, Chris, look so happy as well as the others. Ever since Chris was a child, he always has been somewhat special." She said and Arisa slowly put her cup down on the table.

The queen smiled warmly as she began to speak of her son, while Cornelia has already heard this story many times.

"He loved sneaking out to the woods and play with the fae at times. He could see things others cannot. He says he could see spirits and talk to them." She said and it took a lot of effort in Cornelia not to choke on her tea when she heard that, because she was not told that before, " He could speak with the wind, the flowers, the water, at times even animals. True, some of the nobles saw him as strange because he would be seen often talking to no one. But...the mages said it was extremely rare ability that very few mages are born with. They say it was a gift from the goddess to certain individuals to keep the balance between the world of magic and reality. Like how light and darkness balance each other." The queen smiled warmly.

"Oh...I did not know that." Cornelia said and Arisa was literally screaming as the smile on Cornelia seemed to become happier.

"Nnoooooo!!! You shouldn't be saying that information in front of that woman!!!" Sothis said and Arisa was thinking the exact same thing.

"Chris has told be about his ability. I can see spirits to some extent but not so much." Arisa said and Sothis gave a her a shocked look of "Keep your mouth shut!!".

"Oh?" Cornelia smiled as she placed her cup down, "I've heard stories of people who contracted to fae. Which is extremely rare. Are you one of them?" She smiled and Arisa shook her head.

"No, I rather not. I respect their space and culture. I much rather remain friends with them." Arisa smiled and the queen nodded.

"By the way, how has teaching at the academy been for you? Are you settling down living here in Fhirdiad?" Lady Patricia asked and Arisa nodded.

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