Paralogue 2: Part 1: Memories of Hatred

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- Imperial Year 1164: County of Varley: Takes Place 2 months before Arisa Arrives- 

As much as he hated being back in the Empire, Florencio needed those medical herbs in County of Varley. Goddess, why must always find himself back to this wretched place that brought nothing but bad memories from his younger days? He sighed as he walked through the gates of the town, ignoring a few strange looks from the villagers. Some thought he was a noble because of his clothing, he ignored those comments. He kept looking around, surprised by how much had changed in the town. He walked towards a medical herb shop next to a bakery and entered. Immediately he could tell that one of the shop helpers was about to yell at him, thinking he was commoner till he pulled out a simple glass card size tablet with gold lettering and an official stamp from The Church of Serios.
"I'm a doctor before you yell at me." Florencio said but internally smirked as he saw how pale the shop helper became once he saw the card. 
Very few doctors in the Fodlan have ever passed the gruelling medical exams to become high ranking professionals. Enough to be a court mage if they wished. There are only 5 doctors in all of Fodlan that have the seal. Florencio happen to be one of them. It was extremely rare for him to use the card. 
"I-I'm sorry. Right this way Sir. What herbs are you looking for?" They said and he smiled.
"I need these herbs from this list." He handed the helper the list.
The man's eyes went wide once he saw what was on the list. The herbs that Florencio needed, were very expensive but heck, he could easily grow them properly in his garden. That's one of the main reasons why he always buys these expensive and rare herbs because he won't have to come back to buy them later on. 
"Uummm...sir, this one in particular, we're out. You need to speak with Count Varley to get permission to enter his garden to pick it up." The helper said.
Florencio frowned and groans in his hands.  The other shop helpers looked at the man in pity because they all knew it was a huge pain it was to speak to the Count. Florencio sighs and spoke.
"Please have the herbs ready in 4 hours. I'll be heading up to the Count.....also, here." He handed the shop helper a 5 silver coins which their eyes went wide at the sight of it,  "Use it to buy everyone a drink. Trust me....I can tell you all need it." Florencio said and left out the door.
He heard everyone in the shop cheer and heard a woman yell, "PARTY AT THE CLUB TONIGHT!!!" He couldn't help but chuckle hearing this. Then he heard the shop owner to tell everyone to shut it. Florencio couldn't help but laugh as he left towards the town to head to the Count's house.

- 40 minutes Later - 

In front of very gates he despised so much he stood. He saw two guards there and walked up to them.
"Good morning. I am here to seek permission from Count Varley to pick mullein from his garden." He said and showed his official card.
The guards gasped at the sight of it and one of them quickly ran to the mansion to inform the Count. Florencio internally growled and wanted nothing more but to leave, but his old pride of an assassin kept him from doing that. 
"You may come in." The guard said and escorted him to the mansion. 
"Horrible taste of red as usual...." he thought to himself as he saw a few red painted walls and more when they entered inside the mansion. 
He knew this place inside out from his years of sneaking out of the mansion from his old days. He noticed the air here was still stiff like usual but it felt...different for some reason. Almost...cold. He shook his head as he waited in the entrance room of the mansion, looking at the paintings of the wall. One of them was the typical one from the church. The other was one of the family. The count of the house, his wife and one little girl with timid eyes.

"Good Evening Doctor!! Forgive me for being so late!! My daughter's training can be a hassle at times!" 

It took everything in Florencio not to frown at the voice of the Count Varley as he turned back to him with his usual closed eye smile. 
"No no!!! It is alright. I understand that training can be difficult!" Florencio smiled.
It was fake. It was a mask he wore to hide his utter disgust he had towards the Varley. He hated how they treated commoners and many others unequally. Count Varley smiled to him and spoke.
"I heard from my messenger you wish to pick a few herbs from my garden." The count said and he nodded.
"Yes. They have recently ran out in the herbal shop and I didn't want them to go through so much trouble so I decided to speak with you myself." He said.
"I see. Understandable. Would you like to have tea before you go to the garden? I allow permission to pick the herbs you wish." The count smiled.
"Ahh!! Thank you very much for the offer but I am alright. It's a custom of mine but I brought some Albinean Berry blend as a gift." He said as held a small metal square box with gold print on it.
"Ah!! You are too kind. Thank you very much." The count said as he took the box. 
"I'll have a maid escort you to the garden. I do hope you enjoy your time here Doctor." The Lord said.
"I will." Florencio said.
That was a complete utter lie. 

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