Chapter 22: Lion's Den: Part 1: Offers

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- The Next Day -

After that whole ordeal, Arisa felt she messed up big time yet at the same time, she felt she spoke to the correct person. There was something about this Chris that felt familiar, but she didn't know why. His form of talking was carefree, yet he was calculating. She knew by the way he managed to block of her magic, he knew more than he should. That was the first time she heard of anti-magic existing in this world. The girl took a deep breath as she made her way to the Magic Academy. She's pretty sure the news that she had become a Holy Magus has already reached everyone in Fodlan right now as chaos was ensuing.

"Virgin the Guadalupe....please protect me...." she muttered as she held to the stone Elder Bara gave her.

It felt so reassuring to have the stone because it felt like a part of her family was with her. She arrived at the magic Academy and there was a carriage waiting for her.

"Miss Kalsana?" A Kingdom knight wall up to her and took out her letter to present, "Alright then. Please enter the carriage. We'll be escorting you to the palace." He said and she nodded.

The carriage was fancy but simple as she got in and sat down. The seats were made of cotton and soft sit on, what she didn't expect was to see Chris in there.

"Yo." He smirked and before she could answer, one of the female magus screeched.

"Your Highness!!! What are you doing here?!" The poor woman screeched as she investigated the carriage through the window.

"Gina, calm down. I'm here to greet The New Holy Magus." Chris said and the poor woman was fuming.

"Your majesty, that's my job!!! You're supposed to be back at the palace preparing with your brothers and sister!!" The woman now known as Gina said as Chris opened the door and pulled her in.

"Sorry, this is Gina. My retainer and my friend. Hard to believe but she's Hubert's older sister." Chris said as the poor woman sat down next to him.

"Ufu." Arisa giggled as she sat across from them, "Nice to meet you Gina. I'm Kiana. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said and shook hands with the woman.

"Pleasure to meet you too miss Kiana!!! It's an honor to meet a Holy Magus!!!" Gina said and the carriage began to move, "I wish we could talk more but I have to inform you of what you will be doing when we arrive to the palace." She said and Arisa nodded.

Gina was a young woman who looked around 16 years old. She had black ember colored hair tied in a bun, green eyes, wore gold colored glasses and wore a priestess dress with the banner of the Kingdom on the back. The woman took out a notepad and fixed her glasses a bit as she began to read her notes.

"When we arrive to the palace, I will escort you to the testing field. You will be demonstrating your magic abilities and fight a mock battle against projection mages and golems. You're allowed to use any weapon of your choosing and magic. Yes, that also includes dark and black magic. Once that is done, you will be taken to the room where the sponsorship offers will take place. Lord Seteth from the church is here to overwatch to make sure things remain civil. Also, the 5 current Holy Magus have all been summoned for them all to meet you. Any questions?" Gina said and Arisa spoke.

"Yes. How many Lords or Duchesses am I going to see?" She asked and Chris and Gina looked at each other than back at her.

"Kiana, you're a Holy Magus...and you know what that means. Everyone is going to be battling against each other to earn your favor, in a way, to make you ally yourself to a specific nation." Chris said.

"But you actually managed to escape being forced to ally with one only because you declared you're a free bird." Gina said and Arisa nodded.

"I don't want to be tied down. My belief is to help those in need regardless of status. No offense Lord Chris but....I....don't like nobles who think of themselves higher than others." She said and Gina stared at her with wide eyes.

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