Chapter 26: Flicker: Part 2: Silent Plea

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- 2 Days Later: Thursday -

It's been two days since the beastial attack on Fhirdiad and many were still scared another sudden attack would happen. It was confirmed that the attack of beast not just occur in the Kingdom but in The Empire, Alliance and Garreg Mach as well. Mainly the Capital cities of those places. Many of the Lords were in complete shambles at what happened and the jobs for mercenaries has increased as well for the knights. Medics have been going back and forth because of the amount of people that were injured. Thankfully no one lost their lives, but many were still injured. Jeralt, Alexandra and his team of mercenaries were in Enbarr at the times and defended the city as they could. In a village near the Kingdom, Amir had taken down a horde of beast wolves that attacked the village using her Hero's Relic that was forged from her Zoltan Axe. She still held a grudge towards Arisa for hiding from her for 6 damn months 5 years ago. She named it, Mjölnir, because of the black lighting that would burst from it when she stuck it down. Like she had become one with shadows of the storms. It also went perfectly well with her Crest. The villagers thanked her, and she continued towards the capital. Florencio, Emily and surprisingly Cornelia were all working nonstop tending the wounded. As much as Emily hated Cornelia even being present in her clinic, because the old hag was literally banned from even setting a foot in it, they had to work together to tend the wounded. Emily had also reported to the king that by her orders, she had sent Kiana to travel to the villages that were attacked by beast. True, that was a lie and it was her own people tending the villagers.

Emily ripped off her gloves and threw them into the trash can as she flopped down onto a chair and groans into her hands. She was currently in her adult form, which had taken everyone by surprise, but it had to be done. She used a portion of the magic she had reserved away to heal many and especially......

"Umm...Emily? Are you alright?" Oh goddess, it was a blessing to Emily when she heard the familiar sweet and airy voice of an angel near her.

"Mercedes.....I'm in agony...tried..." Emily said to her younger cousin, who sat down next to her and had brought her a cup of tea to try and help her relax.

"This isn't exactly the best way for reunion...." Mercedes muttered softly as she handed the cup of tea to the older woman, who smiled sadly at the scent of it, cinnamon and ginger.

"I's been so long but with everything that went down two days ago...sigh...." Emily sighs as she took a sip and felt her body relax a bit.

"How is....Arisa....?" Mercedes asked and Emily froze.

She slowly put down her cup and quickly looked left and right to make sure they were alone.

"You have forbidden anyone from entering her room. Much less, you even put a barrier around it." Mercedes said and Emily sighs.

Unknown to them, Edelgard was listening to the conversation, and was hiding. Originally, she was going to ask Emily if she could do a check up on her but now hearing information on the girl caught her attention more. She no longer wore her wig and even had a chance to speak with her mother in secret. The woman had burst into tears and kept asking her why her hair was white and what happened but Edelgard just said it was the cause of an accident of her trying to make a potion and failed at it. Sure...

" going through a magic shift." She said and Edelgard was confused at this while Mercedes gasped.

"Is she....going to enter a magic coma?!" Mercedes said worried and Emily sighs.

"The possibility is....high.....for the goddess's sake...why now?!!? I had never seen such extreme shift in magic that causes the person to literally scream in agony and almost puke blood!! This is because of her Cr-----" she quickly stopped herself from saying anymore as she saw Mercedes narrow her eyes.

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