Chapter 42: Bloody Mist: Part 2: Past Record's

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- 990: years ago-

"Where....where....where is the rest?!!?"

It was difficult to concentrate with being the only one in a tent as well as having to be on constant guard. Checking the map, he kept looking at the circled parts that were crossed out. War has tarnished the land once more and honestly, he was pissed by his sister, Noa, was right. Brothers and sisters that were sent out by their mother to guide the humans ended being slaughtered. His brother that ruled the reign of what is Gautier, was killed in cold blood. But Lejare did not blame the humans for their actions. His sister was fucken right and he did not feel one bit of sorrow when news reached of the death of his brother. He was a tyrant and did the exact opposite of what the teachings their mother showed them all. He understood why the humans saw the 11 Elites as Heroes. Nemesis desired to free his people from the rule of Nabatean. They helped many victims that were ruined by war. They were loved by the people. But Lejare knew damn well that the Agarthans used Nemesis as nothing but a pawn to exact their revenge on The Nabateans. And they succeeded. Sothis was killed in her slumber.

"Hey, uncle. It's me."

Lejare took a deep breath as the flaps of his tent opened and in came Cirina. The young little trouble maker he knew was now replaced by a girl with void blue eyes, long messy blue hair that stopped at her knees, her clothing was kimono that stopped hallway to her knees, blue tights, on her waist, were strapped multiple swords, and she wore black boots. There were dark circles under the eyes. It's been 5 years since she chose to join Serios, she was just 15 years old back then. She grew and aged compared to Cethleann who haven't aged one bit.

"How can I help you Cirina?" Lejare said as she gave him a soft smile.

He was one of the few who truly cared about her and treated her well. Cirina walked to one his chairs and sat down, propping her elbows on her thighs, and resting her chin at the palm of her hands.

" it wrong for me to wish to no longer be part of this war?" She said and he shook his head.

"It is not Cirina. You have every right to think that way. I understand how you feel but we must see this war to the end." He said to her and she nodded.

"Thank you, uncle. I'm glad you were the one to hear me out. If Serios had heard...I can guarantee she take the opportunity to call me a coward and a failure in front of everyone." Cirina said as he knelt down to her and she looked to him sadly, "Uncle, I could have left....I could have still chosen to not take part of this. But now looking back to my 15-year-old self, I wanted to prove to Serios that I am proud of both my Nabatean and Agarthan blood. My pride kept me going. But now, that pride is wavering." She said and he wiped a tear that fell from her eye.

"I know you and Reigan have been seeing each other in secret." He said and felt her become tense, "While I know the others would call you a traitor, I know that is not the case. You and Reigan have been exchanging information. And like me, theory confirmed..." Lejare let go of a side, "The 11 Elites had no idea what Nemesis did. The woman that killed Noa was not Lamine but.....Anacharis. The leader of monsters of the Sea." He sighs as Cirina begins shaking.

"M-Mother's..........Former Master......?" She choked out and Lejare nodded.

"Noa and Anacharsis once worked together but when the woman began to get full of herself, know how that went down. Noa put her in her place. And worse......Odesse wields your father. They took your mother's ashes days after you all left Zanado. Now..sigh..." he sat across from her and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Uncle," Cirina said, "Our next battle is to take the port at the south of the Empire correct?" She spoke monotonously.

" wish to take back your father and mother...." he said as she stood up.

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