Chapter 2: Clear Clouds: Part 2: Sound and Unsure

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"I'm safe..." Arisa was finally able to breath after she made a run from the clothing shop.

She did hiss a bit as the cut on her chest hurt but luckily not to the point it was bleeding again.

"To think Sandy is was like....a Fate version of Medea....." she shuddered at the thought of getting dragged to the back and being dressed up like some doll.

Yeah, she was more of the feminine tomboy but still......

"No wonder all of Byleth's muscle memories instantly reacted. Thank you Byleth. I swear I'll run each time for your sake." She said as she looked down to her hands and patted her shoulder.

She looked around and noticed she had run to near a small food stall. Her stomach growled, remembering she hadn't eaten yet. Luckily her father had given her a small pouch of money. She's figuring out the money system in this world.

" much for a chicken stick?" She walked up to the food stall bender and pointed to the cooking chicken sticks on the fire grill.

"2 copper coins each." The vendor said and she nodded.

She took out her pouch and pulled out 4 copper coins and handed to them.

"I'll take two please." She said.

The vendor nodded and said to wait a bit since the chicken was just recently placed on the fire to cook. She nodded and sat down on crate. Slightly swinging her legs, she looked around the village. She wondered how on earth she managed to get outside the clothing store again. She remembered she screamed at the top of her lungs and felt like things suddenly slowed down. She had closed her eyes just and when she opened them again, she was outside the store. She chose not to go in once again and instead ran before the other females wondered where she was.

"Here you go little lass." The vendor handed her a small baby with the food.

"Thank you." She smiled and waved goodbye.

She decided to walk around again, eating a chicken stick, avoiding the clothing store on purpose. She wanted to settle her thoughts. Did she perhaps unconsciously used time pulse? She shook her head. No, that should not be possible. Sothis wasn't supposed to awaken till Byleth was around 20/21 years old. But she also questioned herself. She knew the Crest stone was still in her heart. These emotions she has should have been sealed away till she went to the monastery. It was very faint, but her heart bested ever so gently. Was she a special case? Did her soul influence Byleth's body when she became one with it?

Oh good, she found a crate she could sit at.

After all, it has only been a few days since she has arrived at this world. The wound on her chest is still healing but at most, she could walk around now. She decided to walk around the village that was now her home. She also walked around the company building that belong to her father. The place the company was in a secluded village deep in the forest that was made very difficult to get to. Walking around, she decided to think about a few things. Numbers were one thing she was trying to figure out. If Byleth is 4 years old now....that means she still had 15 years left till Garreg Mach. Meaning right now...hmmm...

Ugh. As much as she loved and hated math, there were times she would get the numbers wrong.

Byleth is 20-21 in part one of the stories. Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude are 17. So if her calculations are correct....those three are currently 2 years old. Byleth is older than them by three years. It's not much of a difference. Also, considering this, Mercedes should be around 7 years old now. And what about Lysithea...?

She was 15 when enrolled so......she's not even born yet. No wait...Byleth is 4 years old(barley turned). Born 1159...and this year is 1164. Lysithea is born next year!! If that's the case, would the story change so much if she kidnapped her to save her from what will happen? Arisa sighed and mentally slapped herself for thinking that. But she could. Maybe she should do it. Arisa honestly want to save her. She's a cute kid. The girl had grown on her more and more as she watched the support conversation videos. She giggled a bit remembering the ending the girl had with Linhardt, because honestly it was a sweet ending. Arisa then suddenly groaned and pulled her hair in frustration. There were too many things in this damn equation she wanted to fix and prevent.

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