Chapter 14: Travel Winds: Part 1: Forbidden Knowledge

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- 2 years Later: The Leicester Alliance: Imperial Year 1169: March: Arisa 9 years old, Amir 10 years old, Alexandra: 8 -


The screams of children were heard as they were being chased by a pack of 6 wild boars. Her orange brown colored eyes were wide with fear as she runs for her life. She was an idiot. Why did she listen to those older kids in her village to hunt down a boar to prove she was a hunter like her father. The girl tripped and screamed for her life as did the others as the boars were about to lunge at them but......

Her eyes went as a chain like whip came out of nowhere and scattered around, slashing at the boars and killing them in an instant. The children along with her, could only watch in shock as the boars fell to the grass, limp. A piece of the back of their neck, sliced off.

"Seriously kids!! Don't go trying to hunt without proper training for Pete's sake!!"

The group of kids looked up as they heard the flapping of wings and saw a brown red pegasus land a few feet from her. She looked up and saw a cloaked girl, who was taller than her by 3 feet, glare at each one of them from her seat. They could see her green brown colored eyes and a single stand of light brown hair that faded to teal. The children flinched at her glare and then noticed the bloodied sword on her waist.

"You're all lucky my father and his group were near the road or you all been killed!! If I didn't fly ahead thanks to Red Hare, you all be dead meat!!" The cloaked girl said furiously, and the children looked to the ground in shame.

She stood up and dusted herself, still staring at the dead boar. The cloaked one let go of a sigh.

"Kids these days.....then again...I'm no better..." she heard the cloaked girl mutter and she turned to her.

"What's your name?" The girl asked.

"Umm....L-Leonie..." she muttered.

There was a silence till the cloaked girl sighed and looked at everyone in the group.

"All of you, I'm taking you back home. Which direction to your village?" She said and one boy pointed to the north.

The cloaked girl nodded and took out her sword again. The tip of it glowed and the 6 boars began to float and shirked to the size of rabbits. They saw her open her other bag that she had strapped on the pegasus named Red Hare and the boars went in. All the kids jaw dropped as Red Pegasus began to walk slowly towards the direction of the village.

"Let's go." Was all the girl said and the children quickly followed them.

There was a tense silence as they walked at the sides of Red Hare, Leonie kept looking at the cloaked girl, who smoothly road the huge red pegasus. The said pegasus mane was braided and combed out. On his side were around 5 bags strapped on. Plus, the girl carried her own purse with a dagger strapped onto her thigh and her rapier on her waist. They also finally noticed the snowy owl that was perched on her shoulder, that was asleep.

"Umm...are you a noble?" One child asks and the cloaked girl shook her head.

"No. I'm mercenary. I'm travelling with my dad and his group." She said.

"Umm....what about your pegasus and owl?" Another child asked.

"Red Hare and Feh?" The girl said and they nodded.

The cloaked girl smiled softly and lightly poked at Feh to wake up. Unfortunately, the bird was in the middle of her beauty sleep and was pissed to be woken up.

"Aaaaiiiieeeee!!!" The children all laughed that Feh began pecking at the girl angrily.

"Alright, alright!!! I'm sorry to wake you up from your beauty sleep!! I're like the bird version of Lindhart. Go fly to Amir and tell her I'll be meeting them at the village in a bit." The girl said and Feh hooted at her and flew off.

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