Chapter 49: Bloody Grail: Part 3: Reminiscence

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"Only those who trust, can find love and happiness. And only those who love, can be betrayed. The cruelest lies are often told in silence. We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love—first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage." Quote: Robert Louis Stevenson

- 23 years ago: Imperial Year 1156 -


A loud piercing squeal filled the hallways near the green house, and unfortunately students were close by. Some covered their ears in pain while others like a certain nun that squealed in excitement in her magic lab. Unfortunately, once more, the windows are going to have to be repaired.... again.

"Sitri!! Are you alright?!" The man nearly crashed into the door frame as he gasped for air, standing up.

"Oh, Aelfric!!" The woman turned to him as she held a green colored gem in her fingers.

Long shoulder length olive green colored hair, the same colored eyes, she wore round glasses as she turned fully to him, showing she wore an olive-green colored dress of a nun. The woman smiled as she stood in front of a table cluttered with herbs, gems, notes, and books.

"I'm alright. Forgive me if I scared you again." She spoke softly once more as she walked up to him excitedly, "But I just discovered a new magical breakthrough!! See this emerald?" She showed him the stone, "It has the capability to conjure wind magic!!! Can you believe it?!?" She grins as she placed a hand on her chest while the other was raised up, like if holy light was shining down on her, "I shall call this new type of magic, Jewel Magic!!! Ahhh!!! This along with the capability of Life Magic I discovered in plants!!! Aaah!!! It's a breakthrough!" Sitri squealed excitedly as sparkles surrounded her and were in her eyes also.

Aelfric could not help but chuckle as the woman had a proud smile on her face at her accomplishments. Sitri was wise and always had her nose buried in a book. She loved studying magic and always experimenting on things.

"Hello?" A knock on the door frame was heard and the two turned to see Florencio coming in with a basket of herbs.

He wore his usual purple gremory dress with his witch hat, a few flowers on it.

"Ah!! Florencio!!!" Sitri smiled as he walked in, "I see you got the herbs I requested. How was the mission?" She asked.

"It went well. Other than Sandy getting sent flying into the ocean, everything went well." Florencio smiled.

"Florencio, did you make Arco go wild again?" Aelfric sighs as Sitri crossed her arms, glaring at the purple haired man.

"What?!! It wasn't me this time. Ugh. She ran into her ex-lover and things went south." Florencio grumbled at the thought of Seteth.

"I hope she is alright. She was ranting to me about it a few weeks ago. Changing the subject, where's Jeralt?" Sitri asked as she looked over his shoulder.

"In the courtyard. He has a gift for you." Florencio chuckled at how her eyes lit up like the sun.

"Aaaahhh!! I wonder what flower he brought me today?" She said excitedly and like a cute little chick, began walking swiftly to the courtyard.

Aelfric smiled as he and Florencio walked out of the room and went after her. Sitri's eyes sparkled in joy and happiness as Jeralt held a bouquet of beautiful white flowers.

"I...found these near Fodlan's Throat. I hope you like them." Jeralt smiled softly as he gently handed them to her.

"Hhaaaaa!!! White carnations!!" Sitri smiled and Jeralt felt he was looking at the sun because her smile was blinding, "They are beautiful!!! Thank you Jeralt. Did you know, white carnations mean pure love and good luck?" She giggled.

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