Chapter 29: Muddled Sight: Part 3: Change

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[Authors Note: This chapter may become a bit confusing, but I did it on purpose this time. You're going to see up to multiple perspectives of people and, more two certain characters. Anyway, enjoy!!]

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!"

Arisa screamed in pure agony again as she hugged herself tightly, digging her nails into her skin. The center of her chest glowed; her veins glowed a light green as they appeared all over her body but mainly her chest. This magic shift was unlike anything she had ever felt. This was pure utter agony, her hair flickering between mint green, teal and now her original hair color from her past life, dark brown. Even her eyes were flickering between those colors.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed as she clawed at the floor, even her nails were growing longer.

"Breath...deep breaths!!" Thank goodness she sent a telepathic message to Amir and Emily on time.

The females had warped themselves into her room just on time but the pain was only getting worse.

"!!" Arisa was barely able to gasp out as she screamed in pain once more.

"Emily, we need----urrghh!!" Amir suddenly hugged her chest, some sort of pain going through her body suddenly.

"Got it!!" The older woman said as she quickly made a magic circle and warped them out to her lands, far deep into the forest from prying eyes.

Deep in the forest they were, Arisa could finally scream as loud as she needed to. But it wasn't just her that was feeling this pain of nightmares. Sothis besides her also felt it, was living through it, screaming in pain. Amir took deep breaths as she began to recover, turning to Emily, who honestly had no idea what to do.

"What the hell is going on with my friend?!" Amir screamed at her furiously as Arisa was on the ground, screaming as the veins seem to only spread even more.

"I...I...I... don't know!!" Emily said as she gripped her hair tightly, "I never seen anything like this!!! I should know this!!! I should!! I'm a Nabatean for crying out loud!!! I've lived through her agony but through this extreme!??!!! I don't know!!" Emily was truly stumped as the girl in agony was on her knees, hugging herself as Amir ran towards, on the verge of putting her hand on her shoulder.

"NO DON'T TOUCH HER!!" Emily screamed but it was too late.

Amir had placed her hand on her shoulder, power suddenly surged into her, that was far too much for her to handle.

"Aaahh!!" Amir quickly pulled her hand back as she felt her crest instantly react to what had just happened.

Her silver hair had turned pure black as well as the color of her eyes. A burning yet familiar sensation filled her as she looked at her friend. A strange blurry image played before her eyes, but it was gone in an instant before she could tell what happened. The Duscur girl looked at herself and wondered what the hell just happened. It lasted for a few seconds, but her hair and eye color reverted to their original color. Arisa clawed at her chest, neck, arms, anything she touched. And like how the magic shift came, it suddenly ended. Her eyes were completely blank as she fell with a loud thud to the stone floor, completely out cold. Her body had red marks because of the pulsing veins.

"Arisa!!" Amir said and Emily held her back as the girl's eyes fluttered open, but something was very wrong.

"Take out your weapon...." the older woman said as her red hair had turned to dark green as well as her eyes.

"Wha...?" Then Amir felt it.

"Erik, we need you and the others now!!" Emily quickly yelled out a telepathic message to her team.

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