Prologue: Under the Stars, Just a Little Longer

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(A/N: The Entire Story is being updated. Spelling errors, numbers, and dates are being fixed.)

A dream is a wish your heart makes ~

When you're fast asleep ~

Alone. Alone.

Cold cold.

She hated these cold walls with a passion. With windows shut with white curtains, not even the sun could touch her skin. It was the typical look of a hospital room. Though it was far larger due to the number of machines she was connected to. It almost looked like she was puppet trapped in a web of strings. Each machine irritated her as she heard the beeping sounds, they made. Big and small they were. Color white like the skin of a pale ghost. Each machine had a job to monitor her body. One her blood pressure. Two, her heartbeat. Three, was a hospital stretcher that allowed her to be moved immediately if something went seriously wrong. Another hospital machine that was connected to the wall showed X-rays of her bones. On it were also the results of her blood test and such.

Connect. Inject. Cut.

Agony. Pain.


Must she suffer more...?

It was always the taste of iron in her mouth. She coughed into her hand and gritted her teeth once she saw the crimson liquid that is supposed to stay in her body, splatter on her hand. Today it was only small droplets, so she calls it lucky. She groans as she grabbed the paper towel roll next to her bed and ripped a sheet off. She wipes her hand and crumpled the paper and threw it.

"Yeet!" She said excitedly as she saw it made it into the trash can.

She hummed as she went back to her computer, where she was watching some guide videos to help her out in the newest game that was gifted to her. Personally, she would have preferred to go buy it herself, since she is an adult.

"Tch. So much work." She grumbled as she continued to watch the video on her computer.

It was one of the few pieces of technology she has access to. To her, it was a blessing.

Knock knock.

Hearing the knocks on the metal doors, she saw them open automatically and revealed a young boy who seemed to be about 13. He carried a medium size case that she could tell inside was his guitar. He loved playing music.

"Hey sis, how are things?" The boy smiled to her and she smiled back.

Internally, the boy just wanted to burst out crying. She looked so pale. The rosy color of her cheeks was no longer there. There were dark circles under her eyes. Her once glowing light tan skin now had the sickly pale color. Her brown eyes were a bit red from crying, that he could tell. She was skinny, but not so much that people think she is malnourished. Her brown colored hair looks dry and its glow was no longer there. The trash can was filled with crumpled paper that had red blood stains on them. Her body was wrapped in bandages from the different surgeries she had but was hidden away thanks to the pale blue hospital dress that she wears. Multiple wires were connected around her arms and a few on her legs. The bed she sat on had white and blue bed sheets except her blanket, which the hospital allowed her to have. It was blue colored one with a lion, eagle and deer on it.

"Hey little bro, how are you? I hope your teachers aren't being too harsh or they might have to deal with the wrath of a former college professor." She giggled as he walked over to her.

He grabbed the chair that was next to the table where there were multiple bottles filled with different colored pills. He hid his grimace looking at so many bottle pills. He pulled the chair near her bed and saw she was watching a video game guide again.

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