Chapter 31: Eternal Flames: Part 2: Insanity

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You've heard a dragon's cry, cursing man and bringing madness. You've seen the past and memories of the goddess. You've seen malice and hate through time. You've let all those voices guide you, cause you pain, yet've learned to bare your fangs...

You can never return to innocence. No matter how much you struggle.


"What...did you....SAY??!!?" Arisa roared furiously as the letter sat underneath the magician, who laughed at the furious girl.

"The King of Faerghus and Lord of Snowdrop has fallen!!! We are now one step closer to our goal!!! Duscur is only a step to it!!" He laughed as Arisa began shaking furiously, her hair began turning mint green as all her anger grew all more.

"So, the Fell Star c------" he didn't finish.

Arisa slashed her sword down at him, cutting him in half. Blood pooled on the ground, the letter a few spots on it. The girl shook furiously as the others looked at her in horror.

"TO THE FLAMES OF ETERNITY WITH YOUUUUUU!!!" Arisa screamed furiously as the flames of the manner only seemed to grow more.

She shook furiously as the grip on the sword tighten, her eyes flickering. She has never felt such anger right now. They need to get to Duscur and that they will do.

"We need to get to Duscur now!!!" Arisa said as she turned to Amir.

"W-What?! But, how??!! It's too far even for us!!" Amir said and Arisa held her shoulders.

"It isn't!!" The girl said.

"Arisa, what are you about to do?!" Lucius said and the two males quickly began to back away from the girls as a magic circle appeared underneath them, with the Crest of Flames.

"Arisa?!" Amir said as the girl held her shoulder and spoke.

"We're going to save them."


In the crimson night, the bird sleeps

unleashed to the sky from the window of dreams

a lullaby wafts from its lips

Nothing left in this drawn hope

Indeed.. there's no sign that darkness will fade away

There're always separated roads beyond ones memories


The scent of metal clashing, the taste of iron in their lips. The scent of burning flesh as flames of red, white and blood consumed all. The axe brought down those in it wake, beheading all life. Screams of pain and agony surrounded all. The flames touched all. No one spared, for the skies have turned crimson. The young Faerghus prince was on his knees, in shock as he stared with wide eyes at the headless corpses of the King of Faerghus and Lord of Snowdrop. He could not move. He could not hear. All he could see was the corpse of his father and the lord. Remembering the yells of agony and vengeance.

"Avenge us!! Those who killed us.....Tear them apart!! Destroy them all!!" King Lambert's final words rang loud in Dimitri's ears.

"Ghaaaaa!!!" Zander yelled in agony as his left arm was sliced off by a man with a sword.

"You bastard!!" Glenn roared furiously as he charged at him.

"Tch. This is boring. To think that hag left me in charge of this." A man with red hair dressed in black armor yawned as he easily countered the attacks, "Just fall." He said.

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