Chapter 59: Lost in Thoughts

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It felt like she was underwater. Slowly, she went down.




Ripples of water, the sound of bubbles floating up the surface. Yet, the light of faint hues of blue looked so far away. The sound of the water's movement rippled in her ears. The light seemed to be getting farther and farther away. Her body felt heavy, almost light in a way. She reached out, she could see figures around her, but she could not see their faces. Soon, she seemed to reach an end. Her feet gracefully touched some sort of ground. Her vision started to become clear as she looked around. It was different. The land around her was covered in lush grass. The sky a beautiful shade of blue, never had she seen it so clear. The air felt refreshing, clean. Fog gently scattered all over the green land. Small droplets of water were on the leaves of trees as she walked. She looked around, seeing buildings made of stone, like the ancient ones of the time. Statues of people made of marble stone displayed proudly. The sound of a horn being blown could be heard all over. Yet, her feet seemed to have a mind of their own as she started to walk. The feeling of grass was cool on her feet as she walked up a hill. Carefully, as she reached the top, the view of the land took her breath away.

A beautiful ancient city of builds and architecture of long ago. Temples were built to worship. Humans, beings of other kinds, animals, fae, and such all talked happily to one another. The city was bustling with life as she walked to the edge of the hill. Yet, at the top of the hill, was a door like structure made of stone, yet there was no door. Instead, there seemed to be a translucent thin veil of magic. The stone for the frame had multiple blue gems, all with different symbols she recognized. In front of the gate, stood a woman. Her back was turned to her. She heard the woman sighed as she spoke.

"The gate...I pray we do not have to use it." The woman muttered and turned to her right as she heard footsteps approaching.

Two children. One, a girl of fluffy dark green hair and emerald-colored eyes, and the other, a boy with dark green hair tied in a ponytail.

"I want t to see your face." Arisa thought but seems the children and the woman don't know she is there or can't even see her.

"Mama, why did you call us?" The girl said as she walked up to the woman.

Carefully, Arisa walked forward and went around. Her eyes went wide as she realized who the woman was. Long jade-colored hair was straight and flowed to the ground like a river. A white long dress that touched the grass, with a hood she currently wore down. Flower lilies on her head like a crown. Jade colored eyes and pointed ears.

"Sothis...." Arisa whispered as she looked back at the two kids.

"Noa and Lejare, thank you for coming." Sothis smiled softly as she turned to them, "I am sorry I had you kids leave the festival."

"No worries. Parvati is helping Farnir set up the area." Crescent said as she nodded.

"I see." Sothis smiled and let go of a sigh as she turned back to the gate, "Tell me, kids, do you know what this is?" She asked.

"The Outrealm Gate!" Noa grins excitedly as she points to it, "It is the gate where the ancestors of the clans use to escape war from their homelands. It was built by the Agarthans!" She grinned proudly at herself.

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