Chapter 5: Snowy Blue: Part 3: Luke Warm Thoughts

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If one asked who the clumsy, worst cook, and cleaner was, everyone would immediately say Felicia was the one. Ah, but when it came to skills in fighting, she was the superior one to all the maids in the household, even her older sister, Flora. Ah, but when it came to ice magic, it was her sister that was superior. As of right now, since it was her day off, she wanted to try practicing cooking.

"Oh, did you hear?" She was one her way to the kitchen as she heard a few of her fellow maids' gossip, " Seems Lord Jeralt's daughter has befriended the children. I saw them all in the library. They all looked so adorable." One maid said.

"I saw her heading to the kitchen. They were following her like little ducklings. It was cute sight." The other responded.

"Eh...? The kitchen?" Felicia went pale.

No, no, no!!! An important guest should never be in the kitchen!!! Felicia of the Ice Tribe took her job seriously and ran to the kitchen as she could but trips on her feet easily.

"Kyyaaa!!" She yelled out and was quickly caught by a familiar gloved hand.

"Goodness Felicia!! You need to be careful!! You are lucky I caught you on time!" A man with silver colored hair in a ponytail, pale skin, gray eyes and wearing a butler's clothing, said as he helped his friend up.

"Sorry Jakob. I was heading to the kitchen. Our guest daughter is heading to the kitchen to cook!!! I cannot allow such thing!!" Felicia said.

Jakob sighed. Felicia was a young woman with light pink colored hair in a high ponytail dressed as a maid. Truthfully, she also had daggers hidden under her clothing. She isn't the only one though.

"Look, usually your sister would be in charge of the kitchen today, but she was ordered to accompany Lord Jeralt and his team to guide them through the snow. How about we both go check? I'll make you a coffee to help you calm your nerves." He said.

"Thank you, Jakob!!! This is why you and my sister are engaged!!" Felicia said.

"Ssshhhhhhh!!!! I don't want the other to find out!" He hushed her.

She covers her mouth and quickly apologizes. He sighed once more and the two headed to the kitchen.

- With Arisa -

"Mix, mix, mix, then add sugar, pinch of cinnamon, my own mix of honey. Milk, eggs, cream, butter. Tiny bit of baking powder. Mix it up, then add vanilla. Mix mix mix, here we have the recipe for pound cake!!" Arisa said cheerfully as she used a chair to stand on to reach the counter.

The chef, who she learned his name was Toro, smiled proudly as he watched the girl bake. Honestly, she just asked politely is she could use the kitchen to make something for the kids, which he accepted because of how polite she was. Sothis smiled as she sat on the table while the kids sat on the chairs, all watching.

"Bet you 2 coppers she doesn't know what she is doing. Usually commoners or servants cook." Sylvian said as he leaned back in his chair as he watched Byleth ask Toro if he could hand her another bowl and a bag of powdered sugar.

"Come on Sylvain. She seems like a nice person." Ingrid said as she looked over and saw Toro putting the cake in the oven.

"I wonder how her food tastes like...?" Felix said.

" least it's not Felicia's cake." Ingrid said and all three of them shuddered at the thought of the Cake of Death.

Suddenly everyone heard screech so loud that Arisa swore her eardrums popped. Felix was used to it as was Toro. Poor Sylvian, Ingrid and Sothis were in pain.

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