Chapter 36: White Clouds: Part 2: A New Beginning

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It felt like a dream.

It felt like a dream.

So many many years.....

So many emotions came crashing down as the older woman's appearance was slowly revealed.

It felt like a dream.

It felt like fantasy.

It felt like the dream would shatter in an instant if not careful.

The moon shining down on her made her look like a guardian of the forest, her long brown fading to teal colored hair spilled beautifully to her ankles. Her long bangs stopped mid waist. She wore a veil at the back of her head that was held by lily flower pins. The woman held a playful smile as her hand grabbed her cloak and threw it off, revealing the clothing she wore underneath. A dark green dress with the center of the chest opened but had a black fabric, the dress was long that it covered her feet, it spit in two, the bottom of the dress had fur. On her waist was tied a ribbon with a flower in the center, the cloth going down between her legs, covering the open part of her dress. She wore a dark green cloak with a bit of gold on it. She spun once more towards Kotas, her eyes went from kind to devoid emotion as she spoke.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth, evil for evil, your arm for attacking my precious students." Her voice became colder than ice as Kotas and his remaining men scrambled up, the bandit leader gritting his teeth as the others watched.

"HEY!!" The group was together, and Arisa saw her father on his horse charge towards them, "Are you alright?! Did you just----" the sound of metal clanking and they turned, seeing a group of knights about 10 feet away.

"It's the Knights of Serios!!" The remaining bandits yelled, and they ran for their lives, many helping Kotas get away.

"The Knights of Serios are here!! We'll cut you down for terrorizing our students!!" Alois boomed proudly, as Alexandra stood next to Arisa now, "Hey, the thieves are running away!! Go after them!!" He ordered his men and they did just that.

Alois made his way towards the students and his eyes went wide when he recognized the horse. Arisa can already hear the groan from her father coming.

"The students seem to be unharmed. And...who is this?" He said referring to Arisa and Alexandra.

"Uuugghhh...Why him?" Jeralt groans and Arisa could not help but giggle a bit.

"Is everything a-----ALOIS?!?!" Everyone turned at the loud shriek of a woman and the man could not help but have a big grin as he recognized the other two adults that headed his way, and behind them was Chris and Amir, the team following them behind them.

"Captain Jeralt!!! General Florencio and Captain Sandana!! It is you all!! Goodness it's been ages!!" Alois grinned proudly as they now arrived, "I'm glad Sandy recognizes me!! Captain, General, so you two recognized me? It's me Alois!! Your old-right hand man!! Well, that's how I always thought of myself anyway." He chuckled, "Ah!! It must have been 20 years ago that you three went missing without a trace. Well, I met Florencio again a couple years ago but anyhow!! I always knew you and Sandy were alive!!" He said and Arisa smiled as Amir and Chris now stood next to her.

"You haven't changed a bit Alois....." Jeralt groans as he shook his head, "Just as loud as ever." He said and Sandy spoke in a bit of an annoyed tone.

"Drop the ''Captain'' and ''General '' already. We're not your leaders anymore so bye bye. Good day." Sandy flicked her ponytail.

"What?" Alois said.

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