Chapter 4: Snowy Blue: Part 2: Blood Red Painted Snow

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[Forgot to put this in chapter 3, Byleth's mother. We don't know how she looks like or her name. It was never given in the game. But I decided to try and give her a character based on what Jeralt says about her in the game. She loved flowers and would get excited whenever he brought her one, she had never seen before. As you can guess, the woman was never allowed to leave the monastery. Also, the way she referred to Rhea as "mother" is because.... yeah that's a spoil. If you have played the game, then you know what I mean. If you have not and are avoiding spoilers then I won't say more on it.

So why did I choose the name, Rosa? Because based on how she loves flowers and plants.]

She really wanted to scream and avoid like the plague going to House Fraldarius. Now, there are a few reasons. One, was because she felt it was FAR too early to even encounter her future students.

"Kyu Kyu!!" Ah, but at least the fluffy balls of flufftrats, she calls them Fluffs, that were brought by Florencio, calm her nerves very much.

"I told you not to bring them." Jeralt glared over to Florencio as they were riding the wagons through the forest.

"Captain Jeralt, I don't think he heard you...." one of the men pointed to Sandy and Florencio, who were riding their horses and arguing with each other, again.

"We said not to bring them!!! And you purposely ignored the order!!" Sandy said to him.

"Well, excuse me!!! I brought them because I knew we were going to need them at some point!! And look, they have been helping guide the group!! Especially when it's snowing because everything is white!!" He said back to her.

Their horses just looked at each other and shook their heads. Everyone else was used to their bickering at this point.

"Kyaaaa!! That tickles!!" Arisa and Sothis giggled as the tiny army of fluffs nuzzled around them.

"Captain, how long till we reach House Fraldarius? Since we need to stop at Conand Tower for our checkpoint." A man asked as was looking at his own map.

He swears these damn forest roads a pain in the ass to go through.

"At most, another week. Luckily, the road we are taking to reach it is one commonly used by merchants. We might get a few deals." Jeralt said.

A mercenary at heart he truly is.

"Oh!!" One of the women said, "I heard in this road it is common to find herbs that grow in the winter. Like mint, thyme, sage, rosemary and oregano. Didn't General Florencio need them?" She said.

"Is that so, ne?" One man said with his twin sister next to him.

"May we stop to look for some, ne?" She said.

The twins were Rin and Ra. Originally, they were from Sreng, so the speech of theirs usually ends with a sound. They were Florencio's assistants in his medical shop.

"Very well then. We'll set up camp here in this area for tonight. Ares, Yofos, and Ili!! You three will come with me to hunt. Rin, Ra, Jorah, will go with Florencio to collect herbs and any other plants that are edible. Make sure to also get water from the stream nearby. Zach and Fiona, collect firewood. The rest of you set up the camp and guard the place." Jeralt order.

"Yes Capitan!" The team yelled out.

"Dad, what can I do?" Arisa asked.

"Jeralt," Florencio walked up to him, "Do you mind if she comes with my group? I think this is a good opportunity to teach her what plants are consumable when times are harsh during missions." He said.

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