Chapter 8: Tropical Winds: Part 2: Cutting Ties to A new

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Seteth was becoming more and more worried as he could not find Flayn at all. It was becoming more troubling because she had said she had found Sandana. He had many questions for the woman. How did she meet Flayn? Why was she in Zanados when that place is forbidden to the public? What was her motive? Why did she leave the Church of Serios? Does she still hold a grudge against him because their beliefs clash? Sandana called him arrogant. Foolish, even a hypocrite for showing his disdain to those of other faiths and those who do not follow the Church of Serios. The woman was a free bird. She loved traveling, speaking freely. She was not afraid to be blunt when needed to. The two, were complete opposites. While he is a man strict, order and discipline, Sandana was wild, free, and a complete utter wreck at times. Honestly, he felt she would get along well with Manuela.

He sighed once more as he continued to walk through the crowd in the shopping district, honestly trying to find his sister.

"Whaaaa!!!! I swear!!! This is why I hate being short!!!" He heard a child say and he couldn't help but chuckle as they passed by him.

But what he didn't expect was to see they had dark green colored hair. His eyes widened as he watched them leave, the girl was smiling and seemed to be talking to someone.

"No, I am not lost Sothis!" The girl said and before he could even make a move to go after them, they disappeared into the crowd.

"Could that girl.... no..... there were only six survivors. That girl must just have similar hair color, that's all." He thought and shook his head as he continued ahead.

He was starting to panic and decided to close his eyes, hoping he could sense Flayn, that was only until one of the shop vendors spoke.

"You, young man!" He turned to the vendor that spoke to him.

"Can I help you?" Seteth said a bit coldly.

"Well, no need to hostile. wonder women these days prefer being single." The vendor and a few of the females nearby couldn't help but laugh at the face Seteth was making.

"Anyhow, you're looking for a girl with similar hair color as you correct?" The said and Seteth nodded, "I saw one head to the forest. Most likely off to see the paratos or wind silkies. Just do be careful, the silkies aren't exactly fond of men." They said and Seteth thanked them, leaving towards the forest.

[ -- ]

Indeed, therefore he hated traveling in places of humidity and heat. Oh, he wished he would have brought that ice bracelet to cool himself down but no, he thought he wasn't going to need it and look how things turned out! He grumbled as he swatted away the leaves and tree branches, one of them smacked him back. What's worse, there were bugs, they were biting him!!

"(Spit!) Ughh!!! This is why I don't travel to the tropics!!" He spit because a fly got into his mouth.

As he continued to walk for a few more minutes, he heard sounds, almost mumbling. Walking slowly towards a tree, he was finally able to hear clearly and recognized the voices.

"That's all. I hope you can understand that's why I left the Church and why I can't bring myself to see him." That was Sandana's voice.

Because of the humidity, Sandy's sense of smell was messed up, so she was not able to notice that Seteth had hidden himself. He saw Flayn was very disappointed for some reason.

"That's why you and he aren't together?" She muttered sadly.

Sandy smiled sadly as she patted the girls head.

"When I first met you, I was 25 years old. I was quite young back then. I didn't have a Crest. I'm basically became immortal without a choice." Sandy said.

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