Chapter 28: Muddled Sight: Part 2:December

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With steaming vapor and the scent of sweet herbs, one truly calls this a hot spring. With beautiful glistening stones of green and hot water bubbling from the earth, this hot spring is also one of the many reasons why Fhirdiad is also famous.

"Aahhhhhh....." with her fellow female professors and friends all moaned in glee as they gently sat themselves into the warm spring waters.

"Ahh!!! It has been awhile since I've been to a hot spring!! This is true bliss!! I got to ask the manager here if he like to strike a deal with me in getting things he needs!!" Anna said as she took a sip of her sake.

Arisa sighs as she leaned back and crossed her legs, enjoying the feeling of the water on her skin. Then....

"Kyyyaaa!!" Arisa screeched when her breast suddenly got fondled from behind, and Amir was giggling.

"Look at this!!!" Amir snickered while poor Arisa was still in shock and many of the females just stared, too stun to move, "You've grown!!! You're quite packed!!! 90 centimeters!!! Heheheh!!!" Amir snickered and then...


"And that should do it." Mercedes smiled as she had a rolled-up towel and smacked it down hard on Amir.

"Thank you, Mercedes." Arisa said and the others burst out laughing as Anna helped her wrapped the towel back on.

"By the way, where's Cornelia?" Professor Snake asked and Emily took a puff of her tobacco pipe, she was in her adult form (damn MILF) "The hag doesn't like being around people, so she always rents the lone bath." She said a bit too loudly.

"I can hear you brat." Low and behold, on the other side, was the lone hot spring, was Cornelia.

Amir and Arisa held their snickered back just barely. Mercedes chuckled and her eyes zoomed in on the center of Arisa's chest and looked her up and down, her body covered in thin scars, yet the one that stood out to her was the one at the very center of her chest, that went across her chest, as if someone cut her open, to take out her heart. Arisa noticed and spoke softly.

"Wondering how I got this scar?" She smiled and Mercedes gasped.

"O-Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." She said and Arisa chuckled.

"It's alright. Not the first-time people have asked about it." Arisa said, "I got this scar when I was four years old. My father and his people were ambushed by bandits outside of Remire Village. The fight was bloody from what I heard but...." she bit her lip as she sat back down into the water, gently placing her hand on it, " I saw my father about to be attacked from behind so.....out of instinct.....I jumped in and....the bandit's sword slashed me. I a very critical state for many days." Her lips had become a thin line as she finished her words, silence befalling everyone.

Emily was looking at her stunned as well as her friends and fellow female Professors as they absorbed the girl's words.

"But....I don't regret my actions. I did what I believed was right." Arisa smiled sadly as the memories of Byleth returned to her.

How she first came to this world. How she and Byleth merged. Her first meeting with Sothis. The changes she began to adapt to as the years went by. The girl could not help but smile warmly.

"I really have changed a lot....." she thought and smiled softly.

Emily and the others nodded and smiled.

"Despite being a bit young, put us adults to shame. I kids are growing up too fast these days." Professor Snake chuckled and the others nodded.

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