Chapter 44: Goddess's Song: Part 1: Connections

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- Unknown Time and Location: ???? -












That was the place Odesse made his way to as he walked down the streets of what he and his people called home. Buildings glowed and buzzed with electricity; walls showed images in ways that were only imagined. New forms of technology that were forbidden on the surface evolved proudly in this place. Weapons made of deadly metals said to kill immortals. Odesse only looked around as he saw his people bow to him as he made his way to where he and his fellow leaders waited. A small pool of water was under his feet as the symbol of Those Who Slither in the Dark proudly displayed itself as he stepped over it and made his way to the main base. The automatic door opened as he looked around, seeing giant glass coffins empty. Seems they drained the failures. Tch. He was the medic of this place and then his eyes landed on the two lone twins that survived the project of creating artificial Agarthans, were sitting down, waiting for orders.

"You two." He said and the two turned to him.

"59 and 60, I assume Kornya is here?" He asked and 60 nodded.

"Lady Kronya is waiting. Shall we prepare the computers with the data collected?" 60 asked.

"No. You two, return to your rooms. We'll call you if we need anything." He said and the two twins nodded, leaving quickly.

Odesse took one past look at those two before he smirked. He had a pretty good idea those two were not going to live long. He continued ahead till he arrived at a door, placing his hand on it. It began to glow purple and opened, allowing him into the huge room. 7 chairs all spread out around the room, he walked to his own, and smirked as his eyes landed on a mechanical chair where a woman with pale skin, dark pink hair with streaks of blue that stopped at shoulder length, she wore a regular hospital dress but what was interesting was that her body was connected to multiple wires. Not to also mention, a good portion of her right shoulder and right breast were missing, as if blasted off along with the right side of her face. Her left eye was closed as she only lifted a finger ever so slightly, a hologram screen appeared and the sound of clicking was heard as words began to appear on the screen.

"You are late Odesse." It read and he chuckled.

"Worry not Anacharsis, I had my hands full. You'll be happy to hear the news with Cleobulus once she and the others arrive." Odesse said as the words changed on the screen.

"Is that so? What could be more interesting than our experiments?" It said and he turned as one of the chairs glowed and was occupied by a woman with a mask of two faces. One of snakes and the other of a dragon. They wore witch clothing, but half of the dress was black and the other was purple. Her head spun to the side of the dragon; a male voice spoke.

"Odesse you imbecile!!! How dare you hand our Crest stone to the children of the beast?!" He said and then the head spun again but this time to the one of the snakes, a female voice spoke.

"What were the results?! Pathetic humans are now becoming aware of us!!" The female voice roared.

"Yes yes. Your new head will be ready soon, Bias." Odesse dismissed them and both Male and female voices growled.

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