Chapter 52: Pieces Falling Into Place

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[Warning: This chapter contains mentions of post-traumatic disorder relating to implied sexual, verbal, and physical abuse. Please be cautious when reading.]

- Days Later: Verdant Moon: August 16th -

The monastery was bustling around lively and ever. There were repairs being done as well as a few other things. The time of the summer fruits and vegetables harvest was going to be in a few more days. Many were excited because that day was also going to be the professor's birthday. Currently at the green house, Bernadetta hummed a tune as she was watering flowers she was growing. Joining her was Annette, who watered the tomatoes growing at the next post. The greenhouse was filled with plants from around the world, some very rare and even fruits. Footsteps were heard when the gates to the green house opened. Bernadetta being the closest by, she smiled softly when Dedue came in with a medium size pot, with a cherry three.

"Is that the cherry free Dimitri requested from Anna?" She asked and Dedue nodded.

"His highness requested this tree a few months ago. It just came in a few minutes ago. Celica came to deliver it." Dedue says as the girl nodded.

Bernadetta, Dedue and Annette had formed a friendship as they would be the ones to tend the greenhouse frequently. Bernadetta had opened up to Dedue and was happy to learn of the plants that grew in Duscur. He showed her how to tend the white ones that he is growing.

"By the way," Annette spoke as she put down the watering can, "Mercie, Bernie and I are going to visit the professor later on today. Has their highnesses visited her yet?" She asked.

"Her Highness Lestia has along with the others but Highness....has yet to go." Dedue sighed a bit.

"I'm sure Dimitri will go. Maybe he's shy?" Bernadetta says and Annette giggled a bit.

"Perhaps." Dedue smiled a bit and placed the tree down on the table.

"By the way, I heard that there was a fourth house this time!!" Annette says a bit excitedly, "They're called the Ashen Wolves. Looks like Professor Hanneman, Manuela and Arisa have their work cut out for them. Seteth is speaking with Lady Rhea to see who their main Professor will be." She says.

"Umm...their leader is Yuri." Bernadetta figit a bit nervously.

"Is he that friend you talked about with Dorothea?" Annette teased and poor Bernadetta screeched.

- Audience Chamber -

It's been a few days since the battle and the students were recovering as well as the instructors and Jeralt. Right now, an important discussion was about to take place that would decide the fate of the Ashen Wolves. Chris already had a plan. Of course, he didn't tell any of the Ashen Wolves about it because there was a good chance Yuri was going to kick his ass. Still, he felt it was the right thing to do but also to take on some of the burden his sister has on her shoulders. Also, how much this will alter things? Maybe not too much but it will be something that will help them all in the future. In the audience chamber, after a few days of resting were the Ashen Wolves and him. Arisa unfortunately wasn't present due to being bedridden. She accepted her fate and was in her room recovering. Amir and Alexandra have been taking turns being subsite teachers for her.

The Ashen Wolves themselves had a serious talk regarding if Aelfric had been using them the whole time. Honestly, Yuri had no idea since the man always acted that way around him. But the church records confirmed he had founded the Ashen Wolf House 15 years ago. There were good intentions at first, but Yuri said that Aelfric mentioned he found Sitri 10 years ago and that was when he changed.

"What's done is done. He's gone, and we're here. That's what matters now." Hapi said during the talk.

Yuri had to do a full report of things played honestly. Honestly, part of him was looking forward to him because it meant leaving Seteth a stack of papers 90 pages long. It was a mess and like all three of the Wolves told him, he earned it. Now the real question was what will happen to Abyss? Things won't remain the same with how things happened. Here Chris was with his friends and also wearing his eyepatch again. His hair had remained permanently teal after Sothis returned to Arisa.

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