Chapter 37: New Start: Part 1: Change in Flow

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- Abyss -

Did you hear the news?!

A new Professor and 3 new instructors!!! Incredible!!

I heard that one of them is a weird one. Strange feathers she has on her head.

Heard there was a brawl and the new Professor put them all in their place!!

Did you see the new Professor?!?! A beauty she is but she looks like that nun that hanged out with Captain Jeralt.

Sitri??? I think it was her name.

Isn't that mercenary known as....

The Goddess of Death

Yuri didn't know if he should be hiding his laughter or just be silent as he heard the whispers and rumors going on about what happened yesterday. Not to mention the one person that witnessed it all was right here sitting with him telling everything that went down in detail. Only so few people were allowed to Abyss and the person in front of him had actually snuck his way in 2 years ago. Honestly Yuri owed him a favor for saving Constance from a bandit raid that nearly killed them all.

"That's how Arisa gave everyone a verbal ass whooping and the sight of it," Chris grinned as he mimicked a pinching motion in the air, "priceless!!" He whispered triumphantly and Yuri lost it, bursting out laughing as he imagined how defeated the noble children looked like, their pride shattered in an instant.

"Whoa......that sounds brutal." A young woman with sun tan skin, bright dark red orange hair and same colored eyes, she wore a silver colored jacket with a purple shirt underneath, showing her mid waist, along with a short white skirt, purple colored short heel shoes, purple tights that went up to her knees, along with a sort of chain around her neck.

She couldn't help but have a small smirk as she took a sip of her drink.

"Eyepatch," she said, "I'm assuming the knights were also frightened?" She said.

"Yup. If you want Hapi, I can introduce Arisa to you. She may now be a Professor of the church, but she isn't exactly fond of them. Especially since 4 years ago one of them attacked her and.....the kids she was protecting. But anyhow," he turned back to Yuri who finally calmed down, " you got what she asked for right?" Christian said and he nodded.

"Of course, I do, my friend. I am a man of my word." Yuri said as he took a book from inside his coat and slid it to him, "Greet her for me. I must say, the supplies you both have been sending...have been helping my people here. Thank you." He said.

"No problem. It's the least I can do to make up for the things that have been messed up by the nobles and knights." Chris said.

"Still, Eyepatch," Hapi said, "I have quite a few questions for you. It was strange when you suddenly showed up here 2 years ago. We were in the middle of fending off mercenaries and right when one of them was about to finish off Coco, you appeared." She said and he was silent, "It doesn't make sense. Why were you suddenly at the right place at the right time?" Direct she was and that's what Chris liked about her.

"Way to steal my question Hapi." Yuri said, "But I must agree with her. You're from the surface, yet you suddenly appeared here. Might as well now say the truth after two years. You can't keep hiding it from me." He said.

"Must I?" Christian said with a slight irritated tone.

"Unless you want me to reveal who you truly are, then we have to make another deal." Yuri said with a sly smirk that the white-haired man rolled his eyes.

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